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View Full Version : Need point and shoot without much shutter lag---recommendations?

03-20-2004, 08:46 PM
I have a friend who is looking for a basic 2 or 3 megapixel camera to take shots of his daughter during basketball games. It doesn't have to be too fancy, he just needs something with a low shutter lag time because he keeps missing action shots with his current camera.

Anyone have any suggestions on a model with little shutter lag? I'd appreciate any recommendations of cameras or even how low lag speeds I should look for to do some research for him.


Gary Sheynkman
03-21-2004, 01:15 AM
I am a fan of the S410 which has a 1/2000 shutter speed

here is the DMT review of the s400 which is a VERY similar sibling

03-21-2004, 02:32 AM
No, I'm not looking for shutter speed, I'm looking for lag....the time it takes from pushing the button to the time the shutter opens to take the picture.

Almost any digicam will have a fast enough shutter speed for basketball photos. When I did yearbook for my school I found that 1/500th was usually plenty fast.

03-21-2004, 03:36 AM
I don't know specifically of any in that range to recommend. However, if you haven't already done so, check www.dpreview.com - that's one of the things they look for in their reviews.

03-21-2004, 04:34 AM
Ok, I found a GREAT review site that gives shutter lag/delay specs so I thought I would share it here.


Lee Yuan Sheng
03-21-2004, 03:41 PM
Hehe, I was about to recommend that as well. They have some fairly good test benches for these things.