David Tucker
12-14-2007, 11:00 PM
So where are my Zune 80 pictures you might be wondering? On Monday, I received my very awesome Zune from Zune Originals and I wanted to get pictures up for everyone to see. I will say that the Zune 80 is definitely an outstanding update to my Zune 30. I loved the Zune 30 and think the brown and green double shot was a very unique and attractive offering.<br><br>The Zune 80, however, in my mind, blows it away in terms of design. The slimness is certainly one factor, but I never was a fan of metal border that went around the screen and d-pad on the Zune 30. The face of the Zune 80 is much more elegant.<br><br>So with all of these great things to say, where are the pictures? Well, I haven’t exactly had a smooth ride with the 80 so far this week. First my primary PC couldn’t install the Zune USB driver correctly. It seems that this is a known, and as yet unresolved, issue. In, what was in retrospect, a really dumb move, I attempted to fix the problem on my own. It seems that I managed to uninstall the USB controller from Windows Vista. And being that the computer is relatively new, it has no legacy PS/2 ports. This means I am completely unable to use it for anything.<br><br>So now I’m back on my Windows XP machine and instead of photographing my Zune, I’ve been busy getting my music library updated. I tried copying all my music from my Zune 30 to this computer and while it will all play on the computer it won’t play on my Zune 80. So I am redownloading my music, one artist at a time, to fix the licenses. Its about as much fun as it sounds. On the bright side…I still absolutely love playing with the new touch pad.<br><br>And while the initial USB issue is definitely a serious problem, I only blame myself for my bricked PC. Doh!