View Full Version : In-Line Text Ads from Kontera
Jason Dunn
09-18-2007, 03:00 AM
<img border="1" src="" alt="" /> <br /><br />I'm a bit over a week late with this announcement, so please forgive the tardiness: recently we switched from using Vibrant Media's IntelliTXT in-line product to using a similar product from Kontera. I know that some of you, specifically those of you who read by moving the mouse cursor across the text, don't like seeing these things pop up. I wanted to explain how to disable them: hover over one of the double-green underlined words, then click on the question mark that's inside that window. You'll be taken to a "What is ContentLink™?" page, and down at the very bottom of that page you'll see a link that you can click on to disable it from appearing again on this domain. It does this by placing a cookie on your machine, so if you use multiple computers or if you routinely purge the cookies on your system, you'll need to re-visit that page. <br /><br />If you're not bothered by the Kontera ads, I'd certainly appreciate if it you could let them appear - you don't need to click on them to support us (though that's appreciated of course), just let them load. The funds from Kontera go toward paying for our two servers, bandwidth costs, and of course my bills so I can continue to run Thoughts Media as my full-time job. Thanks as always for your support - I couldn't do this without you, our community, supporting this site.
09-18-2007, 03:33 AM
Even better is to just do this below, so that crap(*see below) doesn't leave anything on your system, AND will speed things up a little for other sites.
In Internet Explorer go to:
Tools\Internet Options
Go to:
Security\Restricted Sites
Click the "Sites" button and enter in the following information:
Click Add then close and refresh your browser.
The best thing is that you can do this for any site, not just here. It's affective on all sites that use Kontera. I have a list that I add to my restricted sites on my systems. Seems to speed IE up.
Now any site that uses that crap will not have them dispayed, thus stopping that crap that is "In-Line Text" or what I like to refer to as more crap that you don't need on the internet.
*replace crap with the S word.
Adam Krebs
09-18-2007, 04:06 AM
Servoisgod: You don't think these free sites are actually free to maintain, do you? It shouldn't bother you to have an occasional word green-linked. Hell, you don't even have to click it if you don't want to, but don't take away the site operators' profit, please.
09-18-2007, 08:04 AM
The TM sites are getting whored up a bit. Not as bad as other sites tho.
I'm getting used the huge ads. But the pop-up surveys and the 2 or 3 second delay before the page unfreezes becuase it is being scanned for ad words is getting to make my browsing experience unpleasant.
09-18-2007, 03:00 PM
Servoisgod: You don't think these free sites are actually free to maintain, do you? It shouldn't bother you to have an occasional word green-linked. Hell, you don't even have to click it if you don't want to, but don't take away the site operators' profit, please.
Nope, I sure don't. In fact I know they cost quite a bit depending on how much traffic that runs through them.
A few of my opinions:
1. I hate having something forced upon me. (Ads, In-line text, flash crap...)
2. The site owner offered the suggestion of turning it off. If they didn't say it was ok to do, I wouldn't have offered it.
2a. I offered a better solution to those that want it.
3. My browser speed has since become faster, thus making me happy.
4. Other sites seem to be able to function and remain up and operational without In-Line text. So there are other ways.
5. It's the Internet and I choose how I like to us it.
So with that said, the information is there for those that want it.
Jason Dunn
09-18-2007, 04:35 PM
I'm getting used the huge ads. But the pop-up surveys and the 2 or 3 second delay before the page unfreezes becuase it is being scanned for ad words is getting to make my browsing experience unpleasant.
I've tested all my sites on all my systems and I haven't seen this delay you're talking about - it's either a slow CPU that can't execute the Javascript, or some sort of other local problem (an anti-virus scanner checking scripts before they run?). I checked the sites on all my systems, and I can scroll up and down while the Kontera script is scanning the page - so I don't think the problem is something inherent to Kontera.
I suggest you follow my instructions and disable it - that's why I asked Kontera for the option.
Jason Dunn
09-18-2007, 04:45 PM
I hate having something forced upon me. (Ads, In-line text, flash crap...)
Actually, nothing is being forced on you - you're making it sound like my site has hijacked your browser home page. You're choosing to come here, access my server, use my resources, read the news, and be a part of this community.
Being ticked off that a Web site you're choosing to visit is showing you ads would be like going into a store and being angry at the music they're playing - it's part of what you get when you walk in the door. If you don't like it, there are other stores.
It's the Internet and I choose how I like to us it.
Attitudes like this always make me chuckle because if there was no advertising 95% of the Internet would vanish overnight - then where would you go? The only sites left would be the big corporate sites that make their money in the physical world and could afford to underwrite their ad-free Web sites. Not every site out there can use the Wikipedia model of surviving off donations. I'm extremely grateful that people like you are in the small minority.
09-19-2007, 02:58 PM
The first quote of mine that you used doesn't refer to your site in general. It's all over the Internet. My system is running fine and nothing on your site is affecting my computer. Sorry if I was misleading you to believe something otherwise. My point was that no matter where you go on the Internet, you get ads or pop-ups or whatever. So I take my own measures to "fix the glitch". :)
The second quote I am referenced as making is something that I see from your point. However, I have been using online communities since before there was an "Internet" or as people perceive the Internet today. Sites (BBS or what have you) have always been around for people to get information that they want. Trust me, I would be able to get information from somewhere if I needed. If 95% of the sites went down tomorrow, I wouldn't be affected. Plus, think of all the SPAM that all those sites gather from people and get sent out from their advertisers! I bet SPAM would dramatically drop as well? You don't actually think that those people that gather your information just hold onto it? hmmm...
Anyways, I use the Internet as I chose and that's fine because you know what? I'm Good Enough, I'm Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like Me! :) Stuart Smalley reference there for those that did get that.
09-20-2007, 03:14 AM
Hmmmm....I clicked on the link and the hyperlinks disappeared. but only when I am at the redirected SPT site with a long extension after the URL. Before you ask, I am able to receive cookies and do so just fine.
So if I visit the site and disable the links...then exit my browser or just go to a different site then back to SPT...the links are back.
But in a related note...the site still has an initial lag when loading the page, even with the links disabled. It momentarily freezes so I cant scroll down to see what the culprit is exactly. But I do notice the PPCT, SPT, and DMT headlines at the top of the page freeze as well before they are loaded, so I dont know if the lag is related to them. But I didn't accuse any ONE THING of the lag anyway as I dont really know what it is.
So it seems the problem I am having isn't the Kontera links but something else. Again, either the ads that are loading or maybe the headlines. So I could just keep the Kontera ads active...and disable when I feel they are getting annoying, which is usually when I browse the site more heavily.
Lastly, the Survey pop-up keeps coming up, even though I keep saying NO-THANKS.
For the uncivilized, I'm just trying to be helpful with CONSTRUCTIVE feedback, as I always do. So no name calling, please!
Jason Dunn
09-20-2007, 06:41 AM
Lastly, the Survey pop-up keeps coming up, even though I keep saying NO-THANKS.
Can you explain what you're referring to here? I can't think of anything on our site that should "pop up" asking about a survey.
Jason Dunn
09-20-2007, 06:46 AM
Hmmmm....I clicked on the link and the hyperlinks disappeared. but only when I am at the redirected SPT site with a long extension after the URL. Before you ask, I am able to receive cookies and do so just fine.
I figured this one out: because our forum URL is actually, clicking that link from within this thread will disable Kontera on * If you go to the front page of Smartphone Thoughts and try it from that URL, it should disable it for * Sorry for the confusion, I didn't realize this until now.
09-20-2007, 11:30 AM
That is the pop-up I get. It's the only one I get when on SPT.
I was hearing my pop-up blocker stop something everytime I came to SPT. So I turned off Pop-Ups on the site to see what it was, thinking it was a messaging window something else new.
I dont get it everytime I hit the site. Also, there is a delay between hitting the front page and when the up.
But it's always the same one.
Mike Temporale
09-20-2007, 02:17 PM
That is the pop-up I get. It's the only one I get when on SPT.
I've never seen that myself. I wonder if it's geographically targeted or something :confused:
Mike Temporale
09-20-2007, 02:23 PM
the site still has an initial lag when loading the page, even with the links disabled. It momentarily freezes so I cant scroll down to see what the culprit is exactly.
I'm seeing this as well. Point the browser to a long page (either the front page, the forums home page, or the top of a long thread), as that page starts to load hit the scroll wheel and start smoothly scrolling up and down in a non-stop fashion. Keep doing this even after the page has finished loading. You'll then notice the page freeze for just a second or two and then the konata ads will appear and everything is fine.
Not sure what causes it, but I see it too.
Jason Dunn
09-20-2007, 06:35 PM
I'm seeing this as well. Point the browser to a long page (either the front page, the forums home page, or the top of a long thread)
Hrm. I'm not seeing this. Do me a favour: deactivate the Kontera ads (you'll have to do it from the front page of Smartphone Thoughts) and see if the lag goes away.
Jason Dunn
09-20-2007, 06:46 PM
That is the pop-up I get. It's the only one I get when on SPT.
I wasn't sure this was coming from us at first, but I see the word "Netshelter" in that URL, so I've emailed them - honestly, I'm completely pissed. I've NEVER authorized pop-up ads and I explicitly REFUSE them whenever any ad company tries to get me to run them. I'm waiting for a phone call from NetShelter to explain why they've done this. I apologize for this hassle.
Jason Dunn
09-20-2007, 07:30 PM
That is the pop-up I get. It's the only one I get when on SPT.
I've had a phone conversation with NetShelter and while they couldn't explain how the pop-up ad got on my site, they've banned the campaign so it won't come back - please tell me if you see it again. They've also altered my site profile so pop-up campaigns aren't allowed to run - which is how it should have been configured in the first place. They switched back-end ad servers not too long ago though, so I think that's why it wasn't already pre-set. Thanks again for bringing it to my attention.
09-20-2007, 09:58 PM
Not exactly what I'd call a "hassle" since I block them anyway. I just wanted to point it out to you since I had a feeling it wasnt supposed to be there. Thanks for the quick and courteous response. :D
09-28-2007, 02:13 AM
FWIW...the pop-up survey ad is still showing up when I cone to the site.
Jason Dunn
09-28-2007, 02:58 AM
FWIW...the pop-up survey ad is still showing up when I cone to the site.
Hmm. Did you opt out twice? Once from the home page of Smartphone Thoughts and once from the domain?
10-03-2007, 06:04 PM
Didnt know the Pop-Up surveys part of the Opt-Out. Thought that was seperate.
Anyway it only pops up when on the front page of SPT.
Jason Dunn
10-03-2007, 06:26 PM
Didnt know the Pop-Up surveys part of the Opt-Out. Thought that was seperate.
Oops, sorry, I misunderstood - I thought you meant the pop-up window from the Kontera ads. The pop-up ads you're talking about are off-the-charts idiotic. I run code from NetShelter - they get code for campaigns from the media agencies work with the companies who are advertising. So there's three layers of separation. The problem is that the media agencies are putting this pop-up code in some of their ads, and there's nothing NetShelter can do other than block the entire campaign. Problem is, NetShelter identified TWO different campaigns that it MIGHT be coming from...but they can't tell me which one it is. :( And I can't afford to block two big-name campaigns...I keep hoping it will go away. I think it's stupid they're doing pop-ups at all, everyone has blockers running now.
You said your pop-up blocker is nailing it, though right? So is this issue more of an intellectual curiosity rather than looking for a solution?
10-04-2007, 11:18 AM
Yes my pop-up blocker is getting it. Or should I say, was. I allowed pop-ups on SPT to see what it was originally. But that is easily fixed.
Jason Dunn
10-04-2007, 06:20 PM
Yes my pop-up blocker is getting it. Or should I say, was. I allowed pop-ups on SPT to see what it was originally. But that is easily fixed.
Ok, so the issue seems to be addressed, if not perfectly, at least in a workable fashion. So we can let the matter rest then? :)
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