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View Full Version : Home page modification

alan sh
08-02-2007, 10:36 AM
Don't know if this is an active forum or not - but it's the first one I've found....

Anyway, I have an IPAQ 514 which runs Windows Mobile. Is there any way I can change what appears on the home page? I don't need it to say "Wifi Off" and "Internet Calling off" and "Profile:" - they take up valuable real estate.....

Any clues appreciated.



08-02-2007, 04:48 PM
To modify a WM Standard (Smartphone) home screen you have to edit the home screen xml file and remove the plug-ins you don't want to appear. It's fairly easy to do, but requires some trial and error.

If your home screen relies on a background image for placement of graphics, they may be thrown out of alignment. Otherwise, just remove the plug-in code you don't want.

Most folks copy the xml file to their PC and edit it there, then copy it back to their device. Simple changes like removing a plug-in can be done by editing the xml file right on the device. You will need to get a text editor for your device.

Jerry Raia
08-14-2007, 01:38 AM
I would advise just commenting out the plug ins you don't want rather than delete them. It makes it easier to restore them if you need to later. You could also just save a copy of the original xml file.

08-14-2007, 07:02 AM
You can "comment out" a plug-in by simply placing an underscore in front of the word "clsid". That is, change is to "_clsid".

Mike Temporale
08-14-2007, 01:51 PM
You can "comment out" a plug-in by simply placing an underscore in front of the word "clsid". That is, change is to "_clsid".

Does that really comment it out? Or does it just break the link so that the clsid can't be found? I'm thinking it's the second option.

In XML, same as HTML, a comment is wrapped in <!#-- Comment Text --> That would be the safest way to comment it out.

08-14-2007, 02:01 PM
Does that really comment it out? Or does it just break the link so that the clsid can't be found? I'm thinking it's the second option.

You are correct, and that's why I put it in quotes, since it's not a true comment tag. It's the same net effect, but it's easier than the comment tags. I don't think it has any meaningful impact on performance.

***post edited by moderator JD because it was somehow breaking our template***

08-14-2007, 02:03 PM
Is anyone else seeing how mis-formatted my previous post is?

Mike Temporale
08-14-2007, 02:55 PM
Is anyone else seeing how mis-formatted my previous post is?

Nope - looks fine to me. What's wrong with it that you see?

08-15-2007, 04:08 AM
It looks like this:

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1287/1122205718_f1eec3119a.jpg?v=0 (http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1287/1122205718_0f0cfb0b2a_o.gif)

But, only in Firefox. It looks fine in IE.

Jason Dunn
08-15-2007, 04:44 AM
But, only in Firefox. It looks fine in IE.

No clue what happened there, but I edited out one line of your quote from Mike and it's working ok now. Don't do that again ok? Haha. :D

Mike Temporale
08-15-2007, 01:32 PM
huh... Well, it always looked fine in IE. Maybe you should use a real browser. ;)