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View Full Version : iPhone is a Smartphone????? (Should we be insulted)

06-25-2007, 05:10 PM
Check out this story from cnn.com


Here is the snippet that prompted the title of this thread:

Even if the product flops for some reason or stays limited to the high-end corner of the smart phone market, the iPhone has already jolted the industry, showing that it is not just the body and outwardly beauty of the handset that counts, but what's inside.

Some people don't know their iPod from their Smartphone

Mike Temporale
06-25-2007, 07:34 PM
Ha. It seems Apple can do no wrong, eh. Releasing a phone that can't touch what current Smartphones can do, but the market "experts" still label it as such.

What I'm really going to love is when people start to compare the iPhone to a WinMo device. Sure the iPhone may be able to do YouTube out of the box, but you can forget push email, office docs, or any of the thousand other features that come standard on WinMo. :roll:

06-25-2007, 07:55 PM
I suppose the article is technically correct in its reference. The iPhone is a smart phone, not a Smartphone. ;)