View Full Version : Mobile Marketing and Advertising to be Worth $3 Billion by 1Q 2008
Pete Paxton
04-11-2007, 09:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><i>"The world market for mobile marketing and advertising is expected to be worth about $3 billion by the end of 2007, according to a recent study from ABI Research. By 2011, the value of this market will reach $19 billion, including mobile search and video advertising. ABI Research also expects some of the highest levels of spending to come in the broadcast mobile video space. By 2011, it will surpass SMS as a source of mobile marketing spending, due in part to mobile broadcast networks' presence in all major markets. In 2011, ABI Research expects spending for broadcast mobile video advertising alone to reach $9 billion."</i><br /><br />Yikes! That's some serious money! Looks like the advertising market is looking straight into the eyes of the mobile market. Wonder what type of advertising we will have to put up with. There better be some serious discounts involved here. I can't wait to see the type of devices we'll have by 2011. Personally I think the advertisement market has gotten way out of hand. So what do you think of ad supported marketing?
04-12-2007, 12:51 AM
I hate being advertised at. I'll do whatever I can do to NOT support advertising on any of my devices - be it PC, phone or whatever.
THere was a trend a few years ago towards avertising-supported 'free' PCs. Didn't last long. Consumers may be gullible, but they are not **that** gullible.
Mike Temporale
04-12-2007, 01:19 AM
I don't have a problem with advertising. I don't care for ads that pop up or are misleading, but that's another discussion all together.
I do think that advertising is a little uncalled for on small device with limited screen size. Especially when data rates aren't cheap - at least not in my part of town, and I'm paying to see that ad.
04-12-2007, 02:56 AM
advertising *is* marketing.
regardless, i agree that pop-ups and lower my bills ads are more than annoying and i'm the first person to close or navigate away from this stuff when it gets in my way. but when it's relevant i appreciate it. one could argue that what amazon does by recommending products based on your past behavior is advertising - they are showing you promotional material - but i normally find this to be relevant and useful. if amazon or other sites did that while i'm mobile browsing their site it would save time especially on the clunky mobile UI.
but moreover i think you guys are getting stuck into thinking of advertising as only banner ads and pop-ups that just get in your way. that may have been the way it was but that method will definitely not succeed on the phone browser. think about services like or These sites are advertising supported, but show advertising that is in a different form than just a banner and is useful to you - like a link to the delta website or a list of realtors in your area. wouldn't it be great to have a kayak mobile app? i for one would love that.
i could keep going but hopefully you see my point. these two examples only scratch the surface of what's possible and what creates a win-win for the consumer and the advertiser.
and yes i do work in advertising ;)
04-12-2007, 04:24 AM
advertising *is* marketing.
.... if amazon or other sites did that while i'm mobile browsing their site it would save time especially on the clunky mobile UI.
Yes I hate that too. I don't give two hoots that 80% of people who bought book X bought book Y too. That is not how I base my purchases. In fact shoving them in my face like that is an excellent way to make me NOT buy something!
but moreover i think you guys are getting stuck into thinking of advertising as only banner ads and pop-ups that just get in your way.
Well, as a self-confessed marketer you are showing your colours a little too welll by making the wrong assumptions about me again ;-)
I know there are a zillion ways you guys try and force me to buy something I don't want or need - from those annoying little leaflets that fill my mailbox, to those annoying little phone calls at 9AM on a Sunday morning to those awful things they show instead of tv shows and beyond. I dislike it all. Every bit of it. I don't have cable or any other tv service because of you.
Yes I am an evil little anti-consumer. Your worst nightmare. I hate all marketing, no matter how you wrap it up and try to pretend it's something good for me!
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