View Full Version : T-Mobile Data Plans Suddenly Stop Working
Jerry Raia
03-04-2007, 10:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br /><br /></div><i>"I have been using a T-Mobile Dash Windows Mobile 5 smartphone for almost a week now and enjoying the seamless web integration that T-Mobile has put into the Dash. Push email, the T-Zones connectivity, even web browsing on the Dash has been a real joy. I have especially liked using the Mobile Google Reader to keep up with my RSS feeds when free time makes itself available. Until this morning, that is. Sometime this morning I lost all ability to connect to the web. Nothing is working, I get various error messages indicating the server is unavailable."</i><br /><br />Have any of you experienced this? If you read the blog article it is theorized T Mobile is trying to stop people who are abusing their system. In the process they are snagging legitimate customers in the net. I hope this is not the case.
Kris Kumar
03-04-2007, 10:45 PM
Yeah, looks like T-Mobile is finally shutting down the loop-hole that had enabled people with ~$5 data plans to get complete net access. I think it is a good move. While I was a customer of T-Mobile I was a bit upset because as a legit $20 data plan customer, the service I was getting was the same as what a $5 customer would get. :?
Anyway, for legit folks who are affected by T-Mobile's fix, check out this update by JK:
"UPDATE: I spoke with T-Mobile tech support and they confirmed they made security updates to their network and that feature codes (SOCKS) were changed as part of that upgrade. She was able to reset my account (T-Mobile Internet) remotely and told me it would take up to 48 hours for the change to take affect. She admitted that the "security updates" were to prevent unauthorized data connections and that they had knocked customers off the grid. She also stated that tech support intervention is required for existing customers to get this resolved on a customer by customer basis.
She had me turn my Dash off while she made the change to my account and when I turned it back on everything was back to working normally, including all web stuff like email, exchange server sync, TZones, etc."
Pete Paxton
03-04-2007, 10:51 PM
Well, I just checked my Tmo data connection and everything is fine. I also tested my exchange connection and it appears to be ok. Wonder why some have been affected and others have not? I have the "Total Internet" plan. I wonder if the plan I have makes a difference?
Kris Kumar
03-04-2007, 11:01 PM
Ideally the folks with Total Internet plan should not have been affected. The lock down was meant for non-Total Internet plans. So it is good that you are not affected.
Mark Larson
03-04-2007, 11:50 PM
Yeah, looks like T-Mobile is finally shutting down the loop-hole that had enabled people with ~$5 data plans to get complete net access. I think it is a good move. While I was a customer of T-Mobile I was a bit upset because as a legit $20 data plan customer, the service I was getting was the same as what a $5 customer would get. :?
You must have a small heart, to wish ill upon people. Why didn't you sign up for the $5 plan then? Don't blame the rest for your own foolishness.
Some of us are with T-Mobile for cheap data. They don't have good phones, they got rid of their competitive family plan, and instead of building out 3G, they're focussing on stupid sh*t like MyFaves.
I will probably be taking my business to Sprint or Cingular because my only motivation for being with T-Mobile is gone. I don't want to sign another 2 year contract (up for renewal this month) to find out that they downgrade my access or remove features that I've taken for granted a few months down the line.
I am completely OK with them removing tethering access for people with the $5 plan, but $30 is too much to pay for using slow internet.
To me, T-MobileWeb implies that I should be able to use the Internet on my phone to the fullest, including gmail.
Mike Temporale
03-05-2007, 03:13 AM
You must have a small heart, to wish ill upon people. Why didn't you sign up for the $5 plan then? Don't blame the rest for your own foolishness.
Wait a second - Kris is using the right plan for the job, and you're saying he should have signed up for the cheaper plan and stole access instead? And because he didn't do that, he's foolish? :roll:
Jerry Raia
03-05-2007, 03:59 AM
You must have a small heart, to wish ill upon people. Why didn't you sign up for the $5 plan then? Don't blame the rest for your own foolishness.
Wait a second - Kris is using the right plan for the job, and you're saying he should have signed up for the cheaper plan and stole access instead? And because he didn't do that, he's foolish? :roll:
Yeah that is pretty thin thinking.
03-05-2007, 04:05 AM
the main reason I've stayed with tmobile is because of their cheaper data ($5.00) plan. now granted it may not have been intended for smartphone users, if they remove that cingular is looking like a better choice for me. I wouldn't put it past tmobile to think that they left loopholes like this open to drive up the number of subscribers, but then again maybe I am just cynical :)
Tim Williamson
03-05-2007, 04:41 AM
You really can't beat T-Mo as far as prices go (for data and voice), even if they shutdown the T-Zones loophole they still have the $20 Blackberry Plan that people can use for data (unless they close that loophole too), this is $10 cheaper than the closest competitor.
I'm in the Sacramento, CA area and at this moment I'm still getting full internet with T-Zones.
03-05-2007, 04:44 AM
I am in San Diego and still getting full internet access on the tzones plan. my contact ended last month so it might be time to shop for a new carrier soon.
03-05-2007, 05:02 AM
I am in San Diego and still getting full internet access on the tzones plan. my contact ended last month so it might be time to shop for a new carrier soon.
That's why I got the BlackJack on Cingular Premier (19% monthly service discount) with PDA Connect Unlimited with NO VOICE PLAN. I needed 3G now and totally fed up with T-Mobile 2.5G EDGE. When I got the BlackJack and got a taste of 3G, thanks to Slingbox, I immediately cancelled my T-Mobile Internet add-on plan. I will not extend my voice contract unless I see 3G in my area from T-Mobile in Q3 this year, not to mention an update to the slow T-Mobile MDA.
Kris Kumar
03-05-2007, 05:07 AM
You must have a small heart, to wish ill upon people.
I guess I did sound rather mean, something that is unlike me. I guess I should stick to my own business of doing the right thing or rather in this case my own foolishness. :)
Pete Paxton
03-05-2007, 06:02 AM
The bottom line is that people have been abusing Tmobile's data plans. If you want total internet access then go for their "total internet" data plan. I don't think anyone is foolish for not abusing his data plan. I have wifi at work and at home so edge fills in fine for now (though I can't wait for tmo to roll out 3g).
Tim Williamson
03-05-2007, 07:08 AM
I don't get why people talk about switching carriers, which other carrier offers a $19.99 data plan? :confused totally: And is 3G really important when you're talking about browsing the web on a tiny slow processor (unless you use your Smartphone to tether to a laptop)?
Mark Larson
03-05-2007, 09:28 AM
Wait a second - Kris is using the right plan for the job, and you're saying he should have signed up for the cheaper plan and stole access instead? And because he didn't do that, he's foolish? :roll:
Its not about using the right plan for the job at all - if he knew that the $5 plan existed and gave him the same level of access as the $20 plan (never did, I can testify to that) then why didn't he himself move to the $5 plan?
There's no need to get on the moral high ground because some people might want to exploit a loophole that you yourself don't want to.
There's no stealing access going on, don't try to paint us as thieves like the RIAA loves to do. We took advantage of a loophole that T-Mobile full well knew was there.
When I first signed up for T-Mobile, I had free Internet access. I could do anything I wanted online with my T610, which is the reason I signed up with them.
They pulled the rug out from underneath me and I was ok with that, after a couple months without Internet, I signed up for the $5 plan and have been happy with that, even though I need to use workarounds and some things never work.
But now t-mobile is doing the same thing and in response, I'm pricing out a Sprint SERO plan with a Motorola Q. $100 for the Q and $30 for the plan, I should be pretty happy.
Mark Larson
03-05-2007, 09:30 AM
You must have a small heart, to wish ill upon people.
I guess I did sound rather mean, something that is unlike me. I guess I should stick to my own business of doing the right thing or rather in this case my own foolishness. :)
It irks me too when people get the same thing for cheaper, but it passes - right now I can't sign up for the $20 plan (not the Blackberry one) even if I wanted to.
Mark Larson
03-05-2007, 09:35 AM
I don't get why people talk about switching carriers, which other carrier offers a $19.99 data plan? :confused totally: And is 3G really important when you're talking about browsing the web on a tiny slow processor (unless you use your Smartphone to tether to a laptop)?
Internet on the phone is a luxury, one that different people will pay different amounts of money for - you can find a lot of people who will say "oh what the heck, $5 a month is not too bad for internet on my phone, I'll see if I find it useful" but you will also find people who will say "wow $30 is a bargain for hotspots + internet! I visit Starbucks and kinko's all the time!"
I fall on the "cheap" end of the spectrum - I bet most smartphone and PDA users fall on the other end. I know many folks who received fancy Samsung i730s from their company with unlimited data plans - they themselves have a personal free phone with no frills because its not even worth it for them to upgrade to a $49 phone.
03-05-2007, 09:36 AM
I don't get why people talk about switching carriers, which other carrier offers a $19.99 data plan? :confused totally: And is 3G really important when you're talking about browsing the web on a tiny slow processor (unless you use your Smartphone to tether to a laptop)?
Yes! It is important. EDGE is slow as molasses. 3G is like rivers of fast-flowing sugary slurpie goodness.
I would like to paint a grisly scenario for you. Fair warning, friend. This story involves the untimely demise of a wireless device ...
Let's pretend for a second that you used only the built-in apps on your smartphone. OK, now let's also say you're in the mood to surf the web. What are your choices? Pocket IE. OK, for the sake of argument, you want to bring up because you read from some review linked from that there is an Adobe Reader LE that runs on Windows Mobile! And you want desperately to install a PDF viewer that doesn't SUCK! So you visit and you wait. And you wait. And then the progress bar looks like it's almost full but you wait 3x longer than you expect to! Stupid lying progress bar! Stupid EDGE! You throw up your hands in disgust, dash your Dash's screen against a boulder, then promptly switch to Cingular, eating the $200 early termination fee.
It's important, mmmkay?
03-05-2007, 01:18 PM
I don't get why people talk about switching carriers, which other carrier offers a $19.99 data plan? :confused totally:
Cingular actually has a "Smartphone Connect Unlimited" Internet add-on for $19.99 if you get a voice plan on your Cingular 2125 (T-Mobile SDA) or 3125 (HTC StarTrek). BlackJack users cannot get this plan even though the BlackJack uses a smartphone OS. Basically Cingular says because it has a keyboard, you must use PDA plan. Whatever. This issue has been beaten to a pulp in Cingular and Howardforums message boards, some have this plan on their BlackJacks, and some were forced to get the "PDA Connect Unlimited" for $39.99. Supposedly tethering is off-limits too with these plans. I'd like to see Cingular enforce this one, I am using Slingbox and Cingular Video (at least 500mb of data traffic daily) with my BlackJack. Probably 10-15% of that is tethering traffic. Once the barn doors are opened, you can't put the horses back in.
03-05-2007, 05:07 PM
Give me a breeeeaaaakkkk...!!!
What's the problem here? T-Mobile charging $29.95 (?) for Internet. Many have been getting it for $5, including me. I use it because it is there, and I can. I would like to keep it, but will NOT pay that amount to continue, if I am cut off. I currently pay half that amount ($15) to get my "Hi speed" at home - and I can use several computers at the same time on that!!! I like T-Mobile, as they have really looked after me, but it's crazy that ANY carrier wants $20, $30, or $40 so I can occasionally browse the web, and get my e-mail. Come on.............I dont care if it is Edge or 3G.........that's too much money. Period.
jimmie geddes
03-05-2007, 06:00 PM
This happened to me last week. I called T-Mobile and told them that I could no longer access the internet. I have the $5 plan, and was told that their servers have started checking out what people's phones were doing, and that if you were getting internet on the $5 plan, especially with the Dash that they were turning it off. The rep said that I would have to pay the $29.99 for internet access since the $5 "should" not work on the Dash. I told them that I was never told that when I bought the Dash and was not going to pay $30 bucks a month for EDGE. I told the rep I would cancel my account, she said that she could try adding the $5 internet back to my plan, but she wasn't sure if it would work. It did, and I'm back to having internet on my Dash at $5 a month. If they do this to you call and complain.
03-05-2007, 07:26 PM
Wait a second - Kris is using the right plan for the job, and you're saying he should have signed up for the cheaper plan and stole access instead? And because he didn't do that, he's foolish? :roll:
Okay, it's time to clear up a few things here. For starters, anybody who's thinking of the $6 T-MobileWeb package as "stealing" access needs to go back to school. Internet access has ALWAYS been one of the selling points of T-MobileWeb. That's not an accident on T-Mo's part, nor stealing on the part of the customer. It's the whole point of the plan, as advertised on their website.
Further, I fail to see how someone is "abusing" T-Mobile's data plans when only T-Mobile can control how you access the internet, as well as what services you have on your phone. They were the ones who dropped the limitation on downloading large files through the T-MoWeb proxy; they control whether or not there are port restrictions on the service. Now, T-Mo may or may not be trying to encourage users of T-MobileWeb on smartphones to trade up to the full $30 plan, but I doubt that they will or could go that far with it, since with a GSM carrier they don't know what phone you're using.
Oh, and no, this "crackdown" has not affected at all my own T-MobileWeb service--I still have tethering, and I still have full unlimited ports. Personally, I would tend to take T-Mobile's statement at face value: that when they're targeting unauthorized data connections, they mean really unauthorized data connections, a classification which doesn't apply to T-MobileWeb.
03-05-2007, 09:37 PM
I had the Blackberry unlimited data plan on my account for my Dash and it got cut off as well. When I called about it the Tech support person told me there was no way the Blackberry plan would work on my Dash because the plan went through Blackberry servers and the Dash would not work on Blackberry servers. I told him he should do some research because it did in fact work perfectly. I told him that since I did not use T-Mobile hot spots, there was no reason for me to pay $10 extra per month for something I did not use. So I had to back to the $29.99 plan. I am going to try going back to the Blackberry plan to see if it will work again.
Data plan costs charged by cellular providers are a complete rip off. My Comcast plan at home only runs me $41 a month. There is no reason to have to pay $30 a month for cellphone internet access to occasionally check my email, weather, and occasionally browse a couple of favorite web sites.
jimmie geddes
03-05-2007, 10:03 PM
The T-Zones $5, 0r $6 plan is what I'm on and it works fine. I also had a BlackBerry pearl for a week to try out and put in the SIM card and installed BlackBerry Connect for Smartphone and it worked fine. T-Mobile is just trying to get more $$ out of us.
03-06-2007, 12:27 AM
I'm in San Diego, and have the Total Internet service. My web browser wasn't working this morning (but email was), until I power cycled my phone. Then it worked.
Kris Kumar
03-06-2007, 12:45 AM
... there was no reason for me to pay $10 extra per month for something I did not use. ...
Someone else also has mentioned this and I agree it is bad strategy on part of T-Mobile to force Dash and other Wi-Fi enabled customers to buy the $30 plan with Internet+HotSpot. There should be an Internet (EDGE) only plan. :evil:
Mark Larson
03-06-2007, 03:36 AM
I had the Blackberry unlimited data plan on my account for my Dash and it got cut off as well. When I called about it the Tech support person told me there was no way the Blackberry plan would work on my Dash because the plan went through Blackberry servers and the Dash would not work on Blackberry servers.
Data plan costs charged by cellular providers are a complete rip off. My Comcast plan at home only runs me $41 a month. There is no reason to have to pay $30 a month for cellphone internet access to occasionally check my email, weather, and occasionally browse a couple of favorite web sites.
See, this is why I don't buy the apologists' explanation - that the Blackberry plan works fine. It would be a grave disservice for someone to sign a 2yr contract thinking that the $20 plan is expensive enough for T-Mobile's tastes, only to find their access restricted 2 months in because T-MO needs to meet some ARPU goal.
Data is a scam everywhere and I thought T-Mobile USA was a breath of fresh air. Its no surprise that many people with Smartphones and PDA devices are on T-Mobile, since they were the only carrier with a reasonable data plan (unlimited for $5 - and yes, this is how much I value my Internet on the phone. I won't be paying $40 to Cingular to use a Blackjack anytime soon, even for 3G)
I first got started with Smartphones precisely because I thought my T610 couldn't do justice to the Net, not even WAP - that is why I bought an Audiovox SMT-5600 and was hooked.
Pete Paxton
03-06-2007, 04:36 AM
Tmobile can charge whatever they want for their plans. The $5.99 plan was not implemented by tmo to be an unlimited total internet plan. Also, Sprint charges $15 per month for unlimited data and Cingular charges $20. And while I understand tmo is edge, cingy is edge only in my neighborhood and they don't offer a discount for having the slower speed. My tmo phone plan is 1000 minutes for $39.99 per month with nights and weekends and $30 for my data plan which is $70 total. Cingy is $60 per month for 900 minutes and $20 for data so I would actually be paying $10 more to get edge only speeds. Also, Tmobile is the only one who offers a smartphone with wifi. So at least I can surf at work and at home at good speeds. What I'm really trying to say here is that if you add the data plans with the phone plans and include the fact that my phone has wifi capabilities, I think it all the phone companies come out in the wash pricewise.
03-06-2007, 04:08 PM
I think the T-Mobile reps people are speaking with don't know what they're talking about. I've found most of the people I speak with at customer service friendly enough, but not very knowledgeable, particularly with regards to mobile internet access.
I seem to remember another thread mentioning a loophole where some customers (myself included) were getting unlimited internet access without being charged. When I bought my Dash in January, I thought I had signed up for the $30 plan, and I was getting the access. But when I called a couple of weeks later to cancel the plan, I was told I didn't have one. Nevertheless, I continued to get full data access for no charge. I have a feeling THIS is the "loophole" T-Mobile was teferring to. They have closed it, as I'm no longer getting free access. But, I just switched to the $5.99 T-Zones plan, configured all my data apps (email, IE, Google Maps, etc.) to work with the WAP server, and everything's been honky dory since. In fact, I'm using it to post this message right now - no matter what the T-Mo reps say.
03-06-2007, 04:46 PM
Other folks on another forum having similar experiences:
The first post has really good instructions on how to configure your Dash to work with the WAP server as a proxy server. The posts related to this topic start on Feb 27.
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