01-13-2007, 07:13 AM
HTC refuses to fix your defective T-mobile Dash - please contact HTC if you are affected
Many, but not all Dash users have a problem with IE on their Dash. Some simple web pages do not load. They simply show some small number of KB (4-20KB say) on the progress bar and then stop. The page never displays although the throbber continues.
To see if you are affected try any of the following URLs from your Dash
I am not sure, but my investigations seems to indicate the problem is caused if the page uses a CSS that includes an @import of another CSS page.
HTC will NOT fix this problem because they say:
"You are the only one that we have heard from having this issue"
So if you are affected by this then please let HTC know if your Dash is defective at the following e-mail addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
In your e-mail you can say something like:
"My Dash has the same bug (BUG REPORT: Some simple web pages fail to load in IE mobile) that Seth Eliot reported to you on December 28, 2006. This appears to be related to CSS pages that @import other CSS pages. For example the page at will not load"
Details of my interaction with HTC follow:
From: Tannis Brown [[email protected]] on behalf of info [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 8:29 AM
To: Seth Eliot; info
Subject: RE: BUG REPORT: Some simple web pages fail to load in IE mobile
Good morning Seth and thank you for contacting HTC America Inc.
I have been able to duplicate this issue on the Dash that I have. I have so far been unable to find the reason that sites with CSS will not display so, I have engaged my contact at Microsoft for guidance. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
From: Tannis Brown [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of info
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:01 PM
To: Seth Eliot; info
Subject: RE: BUG REPORT: Some simple web pages fail to load in IE mobile
Hello Seth and thank you for contacting HTC America Inc.
We appreciate you brining this to our attention; we are always glad to hear back about our products. Unfortunately, no browser can fit/support all web pages. Currently, there is a limitation in PIE for CSS sites that may or may not be changed in future releases.
From: Tannis Brown [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of info
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:46 AM
To: Seth Eliot; info
Subject: RE: BUG REPORT: Some simple web pages fail to load in IE mobile
Hi Seth, the info that I got was from our developers. You are the only one that we have heard from having this issue (there are entirely too many forums for us to even attempt to monitor). If the issues are brought to us via email (as you have done) or via our Wiki Site, then we have something to work with.
Your report has been noted (we track all emails and issues that come into us and send them off to the groups that work on development) but it is not up to us to modify PIE.
[a note to forum admins… I know that this could reasonably be posted as a continuation of another thread, but while the purpose of the other thread was to collect and disseminate information, the purpose of this one is to inform people that they need to contact HTC if they want to see this defect fixed… please let this stand as it's own thread…thanks]
Many, but not all Dash users have a problem with IE on their Dash. Some simple web pages do not load. They simply show some small number of KB (4-20KB say) on the progress bar and then stop. The page never displays although the throbber continues.
To see if you are affected try any of the following URLs from your Dash
I am not sure, but my investigations seems to indicate the problem is caused if the page uses a CSS that includes an @import of another CSS page.
HTC will NOT fix this problem because they say:
"You are the only one that we have heard from having this issue"
So if you are affected by this then please let HTC know if your Dash is defective at the following e-mail addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
In your e-mail you can say something like:
"My Dash has the same bug (BUG REPORT: Some simple web pages fail to load in IE mobile) that Seth Eliot reported to you on December 28, 2006. This appears to be related to CSS pages that @import other CSS pages. For example the page at will not load"
Details of my interaction with HTC follow:
From: Tannis Brown [[email protected]] on behalf of info [[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2006 8:29 AM
To: Seth Eliot; info
Subject: RE: BUG REPORT: Some simple web pages fail to load in IE mobile
Good morning Seth and thank you for contacting HTC America Inc.
I have been able to duplicate this issue on the Dash that I have. I have so far been unable to find the reason that sites with CSS will not display so, I have engaged my contact at Microsoft for guidance. I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
From: Tannis Brown [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of info
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 3:01 PM
To: Seth Eliot; info
Subject: RE: BUG REPORT: Some simple web pages fail to load in IE mobile
Hello Seth and thank you for contacting HTC America Inc.
We appreciate you brining this to our attention; we are always glad to hear back about our products. Unfortunately, no browser can fit/support all web pages. Currently, there is a limitation in PIE for CSS sites that may or may not be changed in future releases.
From: Tannis Brown [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of info
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:46 AM
To: Seth Eliot; info
Subject: RE: BUG REPORT: Some simple web pages fail to load in IE mobile
Hi Seth, the info that I got was from our developers. You are the only one that we have heard from having this issue (there are entirely too many forums for us to even attempt to monitor). If the issues are brought to us via email (as you have done) or via our Wiki Site, then we have something to work with.
Your report has been noted (we track all emails and issues that come into us and send them off to the groups that work on development) but it is not up to us to modify PIE.
[a note to forum admins… I know that this could reasonably be posted as a continuation of another thread, but while the purpose of the other thread was to collect and disseminate information, the purpose of this one is to inform people that they need to contact HTC if they want to see this defect fixed… please let this stand as it's own thread…thanks]