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View Full Version : Why I Need to Have One of Those.

Jerry Raia
10-30-2006, 09:00 PM
I just had an interesting reply from Jason over on Digital Media Thoughts to a post I made and it made me pause and think for a moment. Why do I want these gadgets? It was about a camera but it applies to all devices which of course includes Smartphones. I use and need my Smartphone everyday, however, I don't really need everything it does. I certainly don't need three of them either. To me these things are like art. No one needs art in the practical sense. Yet people spend fortunes on something they can only look at. I can interact with my "art". I enjoy using them and discovering some new little feature I didn't know about. I like working the buttons and playing with some new application even if I didn't need it. I do use the practical applications and it helps me keep my day organized of course. It would be just another boring tool like a screwdriver if that was the only reason I had it. This is the thread (http://www.digitalmediathoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11262) over at DMT I referred to at the beginning. I would have responded the same way about new Smartphone as well. It is not always about what I need or even what my abilities are. It's about enjoying the art. Your thoughts?

10-30-2006, 11:05 PM
I dislike art. I greatly prefer functionality.

You could have the best looking gear in the world, but if it takes three steps to do something that it takes one step to do on a butt-ugly device, I'll generally go for the butt-ugly device any day. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule.

10-31-2006, 12:33 AM
Put the device down and step away from it Jerry :lol: Functionality is at the top of my list. Does it do what I need? Can it function as part of the collective? (No not THAT collective but rather can it interoperate with my other dervices/computers?). Lastly, how sexy is it? Learned a valuable lesson with the Samsung I600 I had. No matter how well it worked (and it some cases didn't) I found that after a month of using it I had come to loath it's less than "art" looks. As a result it eventually was relegated to a drawer in my desk at home. Somewhere among that drivel I should have included the cool factor or as Jason likes to put it W?BIC!

Kris Kumar
10-31-2006, 12:51 AM
First of all art has a purpose in life, it offers more than something to look at. :D It can the hide the cracks and bad paint job on the wall. :lol:

Just kidding, but I am not kidding when I say this - Jerry, my friend you have a problem.

Readers of Smartphone Thoughts, lets unite and plan an intervention. :lol:

10-31-2006, 12:55 AM
Isn't there some corny expression about life imitating art? Or is it the other way around? :P

Mike Temporale
10-31-2006, 03:03 AM
I'm not questioning the fact that Jerry needs help, but I do agree with his art comment.

It's not just a visual thing. The whole device - including how functional it is, is like art. An electrician looks at an electrical diagram and sees a work of art. A mobile enthusiasts looks at a mobile device and sees art. At least I do. I would love to own one of every Smartphone ever released. But I'm sure my wife would have something to say about that. ;)

Jerry Raia
10-31-2006, 03:34 AM
OK the art thing was just a metaphor! Work with me here guys! I appreciate the beauty of the technology. I want the best I can afford even if I don't need everything it does. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! 8)

So I need a little help, who doesn't? :lol:

10-31-2006, 03:45 AM
OK the art thing was just a metaphor! Work with me here guys! I appreciate the beauty of the technology. I want the best I can afford even if I don't need everything it does. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! 8)

So I need a little help, who doesn't? :lol:

The first step to recovery is always toughest :wink: Not to drag this off topic but Jason seems to be slightly less enthusiastic about the Zune these days.

Jon Westfall
11-02-2006, 02:27 PM
OK the art thing was just a metaphor! Work with me here guys! I appreciate the beauty of the technology. I want the best I can afford even if I don't need everything it does. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! 8)

So I need a little help, who doesn't? :lol:

Good to see you're starting to see the truth Jerry - we're all addicts to these devices. (Heck, look at my device "family" <A HREF=http://pics.livejournal.com/dadarkmcse/pic/0002ccfk>here</A> - this doesn't include the multitude of gadgets I own (i.e. bluetooth virtual keyboard) just because they are cool).

Personally I'm quite happy with my problem. My addiction is an awesome hobby and I'm pretty sure I'm not too far out of control yet... Of course I can't remember the last time I didn't have something on order waiting to be shipped, or didn't have a release date to look forward to. But then again, who can... ;)

Jerry Raia
11-02-2006, 10:33 PM
Is that an MPx220 I see there in that assortment?

Say it isn't so! :twak: