View Full Version : Handango & John Cody
Anybody else read through this page? (
I have nothing to do with Handango or John Cody, apart from using Alerts!
So here's my question: does this sound fair, or even normal practice?
Mike Temporale
10-25-2006, 04:51 AM
No, it's not fair at all. But what do you really expect from Handango anyway? They're already ripping people off with their download insurance. :roll:
I'm an Alerts! and an (ex-) Vnotes user. John's got some really great apps. I've made a number of suggestions to John for Alerts! and he's always very positive and supportive of ideas from others.
i hope Handango changes their mind. But even if they do, can they really be trusted? :?
Jerry Raia
10-25-2006, 04:53 AM
That download scheme of theirs is quite a scam. If I can get what I need anywhere else, even if it costs more, I will.
I've been avoiding Handango of late. If they don't step up to their commitment to John Cody I'll not go any where near them for future purchses. Voting with my pocketbook as it were.
Kris Kumar
10-25-2006, 12:14 PM
Voting with my pocketbook as it were.
Same here.
Mike Temporale
10-25-2006, 02:53 PM
Well, what a great chance to plug our new affiliate ( and the 20% off coupon code ( ;) 8)
We setup a Handango affiliate a number of years ago but I closed it pretty quick. I never liked their site design - it's just too hard to find something. And their customer service was on a downward spiral.
Anyway, I feel sorry that John was placed in this position. Handango has to learn to respect the developer and the customer. Instead of ignoring both. He's got some great apps and I've heard some of the things he had planned for the next releases and it will make a valuable tool even more so!
Pst, John - don't forget to load your apps up on our new Affiliate!
Jerry Raia
10-25-2006, 03:08 PM
Voting with my pocketbook as it were.
Ultimately that is the only thing that gets anyone's attention or does any good.
10-26-2006, 03:10 AM
Wish I could say this is uncharacteristic of my experiences with Handango through the years. My experiences with them as a customer has taught me that they use email correspondence as a delaying tactic and have no intention of actually resolving any issues. I no longer bother with their policy of intentional procrastination: they now get one notice in writing, certified, and a docket number. My bank uses the documentation to debit their account.
and, I was not impressed by the electric fire starter they sent as an appeasement.
10-26-2006, 03:58 AM
I won't be purchasing anything else from Handango. They should live up to their agreement with John.
10-26-2006, 06:41 AM
Legally, even if it’s a new management, the new management automatically acquires liabilities, therefore they are liable. That’s like I go to a Toyota dealership, I buy a car, then I go to service it under the warrantee and they tell me “new management”, I don't think so. Legally, John can sue for damages including punitive damages and reliance damages and of course, breach of contract. I can dig up/represent John which will prove his case, for a fee (if he wins) lol ;) :)
10-26-2006, 07:55 AM
I have been avoiding Handango for the last few months, but after reading this it's safe to say they won't get any more money from me ever again...
10-26-2006, 02:10 PM
I've purchased some titles from Handango in the past, but I've never paid the extra for their software download assurance scam....scrub that - I mean *feature*.
I'll be looking around for alternative suppliers from now on.
It's realy about time these people start listening to their customers - we are their bread and butter - without us, a supplier is nothing.
Who they going to supply when there is nobody wants to buy from them because of their policies?
See ya Handango - it's been a while coming, but soon you will get what you deserve. I've just emailed them to close my account as well.
10-26-2006, 05:50 PM
I've been avoiding Handango for a while now. This just gives more reason to do so.
10-28-2006, 02:53 AM
After reading Handango's representative's (BS) response on another board assuming he is who he says he is, he made my decision for me: their behavior disgusts me. If a software product is only available through Handango or one of their affiliate mini-stores, I don't need it even if the software has unique features. I'd rather do without than to give Handango another penny. Actually, even if the software is provided free via a Handango facility, I don't need it.
Mike Temporale
10-28-2006, 04:27 AM
Yeah, I saw that this morning and was pretty surprised by it. He is who he says he is. And that seems to be the same attitude that can be found when you read the email trail at John's site.
Jerry Raia
10-28-2006, 04:33 AM
I love this line from the Handango guy:
I do however, admire John Cody, his company, and his drive to make customers aware of his applications. Handango wishes him the best of luck with his business.
If they admire him so much why did they do that to him?
Mike Temporale
10-28-2006, 05:12 AM
I liked this part:
our collective decision to not distribute Omnisoft's content was based on additional information not publicly shared.
they need to have clearly outlined requirements for terminating agreements. There should be no surprises or hidden rules. And "Because I said so" isn't a valid reason. :roll:
Jerry Raia
10-28-2006, 05:25 AM
The lesson here is pretty clear, if they treat developers that way, they will treat customers that way.
10-28-2006, 06:28 AM
I liked this part:
our collective decision to not distribute Omnisoft's content was based on additional information not publicly shared.
they need to have clearly outlined requirements for terminating agreements. There should be no surprises or hidden rules. And "Because I said so" isn't a valid reason. :roll:
I sent an email to them, and got the same response. However, they have no obligation to share the information with any of us. It's not "Because I said so" if they did have a non-public reason for terminating his account. Cody has yet to respond to this assertion by Handango. If he says "Everything is out in the open", then it's obviously complete BS by Handango. However, if he is holding something back, then that really ain't cool.
As of this page (, he has not responded.
Mike Temporale
10-28-2006, 03:35 PM
Fair enough. However, you are assuming that the non-public information was a discussion with John. Will does not say that. All he says is that the discussion was made based on non-public information. Which could mean a closed door discussion among Handango employees.
We'll have to wait and see if John can shed some light on this.
10-28-2006, 05:21 PM
If my past experiences as a customer with Handango were generally positive, I would be a bit more skeptical about the information and the situation overall, but comparing my experiences with Handango (and I've purchased way too much from them over the years) to my experiences with John Cody, as a customer of both I tend to trust John and would give him the benefit of the doubt in any questionable situation.
Given my experiences as a customer with Handango, they've forced me to assume the same cautions and controls that I employ when purchasing on ebay: no trust whatsoever. In disputes I've regularly employed the UCC and the Fair Credit Act to recover funds immediately regardless of their stated 30 and 45 day policies.
I would sooner trust the honor of the guys who sell fake Gucci bags on Canal Street, than Handango's. Well, that's really not an accurate statement because Will's response demonstrates that Handango has no honor.
Kris Kumar
10-28-2006, 05:49 PM
The thing that upsets me about Handango is the lack of documentation. And they seem to have a lot of undocumented policies and ad programs that change at a moments notice. Well maybe I am exaggerating a bit, but it definitely appears to be.
In the email exchange, I never saw the Handango rep send a link for the current ad programs/options/rates/policies to John to emphasize the Handango policies.
And I agree with Mike there should be some good requirements for Termination.
10-29-2006, 01:16 PM
FYI: AximSite is closing it's Handango minibrand store in response to Handango's treatment of John Cody. The announcement can be read here:
John Cody
10-30-2006, 08:16 PM
I just posted an update to this issue:
I created a Newsletter on this topic that you can subscribe to for email updates on this issue.
Jerry Raia
10-30-2006, 08:18 PM
I got a "page not found" error. :(
John Cody
10-30-2006, 08:22 PM
Sorry about that - please try again.
Jerry Raia
10-30-2006, 08:24 PM
Works now! :D
Jerry Raia
10-30-2006, 08:36 PM
Here is what I sent Handango through John's site:
"After having read through the information on the issue with John Cody, I have to say I am disappointed with the response from Handango. To harm the small developer, who by the way fueled where Handango is today, is biting the hand that feeds it. Handango is a conduit, not a creator. Handango is here to serve the customers, that would be me, and the developers, like John Cody. We can live without Handango, Handango does not exist without customers and developers. Handango makes money by providing a service. You need to be better at providing it than this."
Will Pinnell
10-31-2006, 01:23 AM
Hey all-
My name is Will Pinnell, and I am the Senior Director of Content at Handango. In light of the recent posts about Handango seen on Smartphone Thoughts, I wanted to provide an update. I visited Omnisoft's site myself last week and read the available thread between John and members of our team. I also spoke with him on the phone.
I'd like to assure you that Handango does not discontinue partnerships without cause, nor did we come to this decision lightly. In my nearly seven years at Handango, I've served as an advocate for small developers and appreciate the passion shown in your posts. As a standard business practice, we strive to ensure productive and successful relationships with all our thousands of content provider partners. Without divulging specifics to the community, our collective decision to not distribute Omnisoft's content was based on additional information not publicly shared.
I do admire John Cody's drive to make customers aware of his applications and wish him the best of luck in the future. Although we stand by our decision to not distribute his company’s content at this time, we have issued a payment to Omnisoft in the amount of the remaining marketing credit.
Thank you for your continued enthusiasm about the smartphone content space. We look forward to continuously improving our communications with our valued customers and content provider community.
Will Pinnell
Senior Director of Content
Jerry Raia
10-31-2006, 01:59 AM
This is the same blurb you have put on other boards. Are you just doing a cut and paste?
Mike Temporale
10-31-2006, 03:17 AM
Without divulging specifics to the community, our collective decision to not distribute Omnisoft's content was based on additional information not publicly shared.
Why? Why are you not sharing your reasons? Shouldn't a company like Handango have a clear set of rules and guidelines that would lead to closing a partners account? Especially when you owe that partner $5000?
We look forward to continuously improving our communications with our valued customers and content provider community.
No offense, but you've got a long way to go. You're communication to date has been nothing more than "we did it, and we won't tell you why". That tells me that you know your actions are wrong and you're hoping this will just go away. Sad really.
Jerry Raia
10-31-2006, 03:30 AM
Looks like they are just using this cookie cutter response on all the boards. Guess what Handango? No one is buying it.
10-31-2006, 03:05 PM
Hey all-
My name is Will Pinnell, and I am the Senior Director of Content at Handango. In light of the recent posts about Handango seen on Smartphone Thoughts, I wanted to provide an update. I visited Omnisoft's site myself last week and read the available thread between John and members of our team. I also spoke with him on the phone.
I'd like to assure you that Handango does not discontinue partnerships without cause, nor did we come to this decision lightly. In my nearly seven years at Handango, I've served as an advocate for small developers and appreciate the passion shown in your posts. As a standard business practice, we strive to ensure productive and successful relationships with all our thousands of content provider partners. Without divulging specifics to the community, our collective decision to not distribute Omnisoft's content was based on additional information not publicly shared.
I do admire John Cody's drive to make customers aware of his applications and wish him the best of luck in the future. Although we stand by our decision to not distribute his company’s content at this time, we have issued a payment to Omnisoft in the amount of the remaining marketing credit.
Thank you for your continued enthusiasm about the smartphone content space. We look forward to continuously improving our communications with our valued customers and content provider community.
Will Pinnell
Senior Director of Content
The damage you have done to John's business is far in in excess of the credits with which you are now apparently attempting to buy complacency. While I am certain that John appreciates the additional income, a bribe is still a bribe. You have done nothing but confirm that the expressed concern of Handango's business practices, is justified and worthy of further investigation.
Jerry Raia
10-31-2006, 04:07 PM
I just got a response from Handango. it is the exact same Will Pinnell drivel that has been posted over and over again. I wonder if there is such a person. :lol:
Rocco Augusto
10-31-2006, 08:32 PM
remember, this is the same company that offers "download insurance". personally, i'll never buy anything form them or recommend them to anyone. handango has always seemed super shady to me. the good news is, our readers can always just use our new software affiliate store ( for all their application purchases ;)
10-31-2006, 09:43 PM
I just got a response from Handango. it is the exact same Will Pinnell drivel that has been posted over and over again. I wonder if there is such a person. :lol:
I doubt he really exists: I just received the exact same response.
John Cody
10-31-2006, 09:57 PM
"The Register" just picked up my story:
Jerry Raia
11-01-2006, 02:47 AM
I'm glad to see this is getting all the attention it is John. Most of the best software (like yours) started from independent developers like you. Maybe what we need are smaller "stores" that are not just sending their "bots" out to respond. This stuff really makes me mad. :evil:
John Cody
11-01-2006, 02:52 AM
I'm glad to see this is getting all the attention it is John. Most of the best software (like yours) started from independent developers like you. Maybe what we need are smaller "stores" that are not just sending their "bots" out to respond. This stuff really makes me mad. :evil:
Thanks Jerry, I really appreciate your continued support with this :D
Jerry Raia
11-01-2006, 03:06 AM
My pleasure! I have a real soft spot for the one man show. I used to develop and sell applications for HP handhelds back in the mid 80's. No Internet back then but my stuff was in a catalog from a place called EduCalc. Anyone remember them? Anyway that was a fun time, we were all small developers and a lot of good things came from that. What we maybe need are more small stores like the one associated with us here at Smartphone Thoughts. I don't know the answer but what happened to you is unacceptable behavior.
Mike Temporale
11-01-2006, 02:33 PM
I agree with you Jerry, but it shouldn't matter if it's a one man show or not. If Omnisoft was 10 people, it doesn't make what Handango did any better.
Jerry Raia
11-01-2006, 04:00 PM
Yes absolutely right.
11-01-2006, 04:38 PM
My pleasure! I have a real soft spot for the one man show. I used to develop and sell applications for HP handhelds back in the mid 80's. No Internet back then but my stuff was in a catalog from a place called EduCalc. Anyone remember them? Anyway that was a fun time, we were all small developers and a lot of good things came from that. What we maybe need are more small stores like the one associated with us here at Smartphone Thoughts. I don't know the answer but what happened to you is unacceptable behavior.
Among my HP handhelds (65, etc) I still have my 95 LX with programs from EduCalc - I don't have anything to do with it anymore, but it looks nice on it' shelf next to my original Grid Compass... :wink:
Jerry Raia
11-01-2006, 04:49 PM
The things I worked on ran on the HP71. Remember that one?
11-15-2006, 02:23 AM
Jerry Raia
11-15-2006, 03:31 PM
Yeah any updates on this?
Mike Temporale
11-16-2006, 02:53 AM
I was just talking with John, and there is news coming soon.
Jerry Raia
11-16-2006, 03:22 AM
Hope it is good news.
John Cody
11-21-2006, 02:00 PM
I just made probably the last post on this issue, and I have a big thanks for everyone that helped :)
-John Cody
Jerry Raia
11-22-2006, 11:47 AM
Hey, we are family ya know. :wink:
John Cody
11-22-2006, 03:37 PM
I really want to thank everyone on - you guys (gals) are the best!
Jerry Raia
11-22-2006, 04:31 PM
Thanks! :oops:
Mike Temporale
11-24-2006, 05:35 AM
Check out the Wikipedia page for Handango - specifically the external links section.
Jerry Raia
11-24-2006, 06:04 AM
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