View Full Version : No More Pocket PC
Jerry Raia
10-14-2006, 02:00 PM
I recently sold my 8125 (Pocket PC Phone) and for the first time in years I am without a Pocket PC device. Do I miss it? Not really. I found myself using it less and less especially after I got the Q. I will probably get another one just because I like to have gadgets to play with. From the day to day standpoint though, it was too clumsy to use compared to a Smartphone. The Q made the one thing that was easier to do on the Pocket PC, enter text, a moot point. I've even forgotten the joy of fumbling for a stylus to use the touch screen. This little poll is not intended to cover every situation so please don't flame me with, "You should have added xyz option". Just add your individual thoughts. All opinions are welcome but I'm more interested in those who have a Smartphone.
10-14-2006, 04:42 PM
JR- watched your posts a lot over the past year and respect your opinion
I use axim 50v (very minimal daily usage, mostly contacts, tasks, calendar with some programs- music, ebooks and some drug database programs like PDR), want to converge to one device
how do you use your smartphone each day, just want to get an idea of what I can and can't do with smartphone vs. PPCphone
Jerry Raia
10-14-2006, 06:26 PM
90% of what I do is email and web. Like right now I'm typing this on my Q. As I Mentioned the Q really changed it for me with the ease of data enry. I also use it for calendar and tasks. I think once you have a device with a Qwerty keypad having only a Smartphone becomes a much more desirable prospect.
Rocco Augusto
10-14-2006, 06:40 PM
i decided against using a pocket pc due to how much work was involved in doing the simplest task. cellphones should be a one handed device and when you get a stylus involved it will always be a two handed job. :(
p.s. - i broke 1000 posts ;)
10-14-2006, 07:33 PM
I have a TyTN and a Cingular 3125. I actually use my TyTN much more during the day. Its larger screen makes it easier for me to see my information while I'm on the run. And thats pretty much always. I don't yet have the apps that I normally use on my smartphone yet. They exist, but I haven't re-invested in the smartphone versions yet.
I love the form factor of my 3125, but I hardly use it because I can't find reasonable excuse to swap the sim card. Most of the time when I leave my home, which is almost always to go to work, the TyTN is what would be more useful.
10-14-2006, 08:23 PM
I would like to stop carrying a PDA but the comparable applications for the SmartPhone just don't exist yet.
For example: no SplashMoney (altho I've read it's in development, I see nothing so far), no Pocket Quicken SP; no SPB Finance SP. Although XS Finance does exist, it is a pain for me to use. I don't know who designed the user interface, but I'm pretty certain he isn't human: I can reboot my desk PC faster than I can enter transactions in XS Finance. Bankarama is a good start but it provides only the absolute minimum functionality.
Currrently there are only two PIMs available (PI SP doesn't count as it is only a rebranded Papyrus) as an alternative to PO, but neither provides as much functionality as the PDA versions of PI or AF especially in the handling of contacts...
I need a little more in the available applications than that offerred by the stock WM5 SP applications before I can make the switch.
10-14-2006, 08:57 PM
I need the touch screen. Period. And I prefer the apps I have on my JAMin to the apps that are currently available for the Smartphone market. The selection is improving, but it's not there yet.
As for stylus-free usage, I'm getting there slowly. The biggest issue for me is the fact that TenGo Thumb stopped loading for me yesterday, so it was promptly uninstalled leaving Fitaly, which requires stylus usage on a 2.8" screen device, and the Phone Pad IM, which is T9 and therefore requires thinking to use. I'll likely look into TenGo Thumb again in the future as one-handed use is a godsend, regardless of the platform that it's one.
Pete Paxton
10-14-2006, 09:00 PM
I had a dell axim when I bought my sda. After about a month, I realized I wasn't even using the dell so I sold it. I have never looked back. I think once I get the Dash, I'll feel even more complete. For now, smartphones do everything I want/need.
Tim Williamson
10-14-2006, 11:11 PM
Jerry, I'm right with ya. I noticed I've used my Pocket PC less and less, mainly because it's too bulky to carry around everywhere, plus I only use a few programs which are available on Smartphone. So soon I'll be getting the Dash and will see how it goes just carrying around a Smartphone. This'll also allow me to get rid of my cell phone.
Kris Kumar
10-15-2006, 12:13 AM
I gave up using Pocket PC fulltime the day I signed up on Smartphone Thoughts. :-) Maybe a little before that; but I don't think I am quite ready to give it up.
My Pocket PC stays in the car; it is my MP3 player, my navigation system and it pulls down the weather and news (using my 2125 as the modem) during my drive into and from work. Overall it serves a very small purpose in my digital life, but it serves a useful purpose. Until I upgrade my car to my dream car the BMW 3 Series, the ultimate gadget, I will have to live with the PPC.
I might even upgrade it, if I can get a good deal on one of the high resolution PPC. ;-)
10-15-2006, 02:58 AM
[snip..]Although XS Finance does exist, it is a pain for me to use. I don't know who designed the user interface, but I'm pretty certain he isn't human: [...snip]
:D I had to laugh when I read this as I felt exactly the same way when I tried XS Finance. I would like to see a Smartphone version of Quicken--that's one of the few apps I actually miss from the PPC.
Mark Kenepp
10-15-2006, 04:09 AM
Though I like the one-handedness of my Smartphone, I really prefer character recognition for any text entry.
My first smartphone (note the lowercase s), an Ericsson r380i (, was hardly usable one handed for things like email and WAP but it had great handwriting recognition, IMHO. The same goes for my second smartphone, the Sony Ericsson p800 ( It had the same handwriting recognition as the r380 and had better one handed capabilities but for web browsing and text entry applications, a stylus was a must.
The p800 probably had the best chance of replacing my PDA but the memory limitations prevented me from getting all the apps I was used to using on a frequent basis.
10-15-2006, 10:48 AM
i made the switch couple of months ago, sold the ATOM tried some non WM smartphones & then got the QTEK 8500, since then i knew how much i have been missing, the SP platform is as good as ppc & in a way smaller form factor, got a new SP actually 3 weeks ago, the Samsung i320N.. can do everything for me.. do not need to upgrade or go back till its successor comes out the i600 :D
10-15-2006, 06:56 PM
I recently sold my 8125 (Pocket PC Phone) and for the first time in years I am without a Pocket PC device. Do I miss it? Not really. I found myself using it less and less especially after I got the Q. I will probably get another one just because I like to have gadgets to play with. From the day to day standpoint though, it was too clumsy to use compared to a Smartphone. The Q made the one thing that was easier to do on the Pocket PC, enter text, a moot point. I've even forgotten the joy of fumbling for a stylus to use the touch screen. This little poll is not intended to cover every situation so please don't flame me with, "You should have added xyz option". Just add your individual thoughts. All opinions are welcome but I'm more interested in those who have a Smartphone.
He he, I swear I could have written that post :)
Except it was a Sprint 6700 for me. But the Q, much to my surprise, has been more than enough for my PDA needs. All my critical PocketPC apps I was able to replace with Smartphone versions, e.g., eWallet, Audible etc.
Also, I need a second gadget too :) But since I already have a Q, I decided a PocketPC was redundant and I wouldn't use it enough. I mean, what's the point of two mobile devices. So I got a Samsung Q1 tablet PC - sort of like PocketPC meets Windows PC.
Something about the letter "Q" I guess :D
10-15-2006, 10:10 PM
I admit I have never really used Smartphone as my daily device, but I don't think I could live without touch screen and stylus. Not only I get fast navigation to anything in the screen (definatelly faster than on Smartphone), but I have also the ability to quickly jot down stuff with my handwriting (again much faster than Smartphone).
If I add to that more poverfull aplications (PI for instance), more powerfull HW and the fact that there is only one UMTS Smartphone, there is really no incentive for me to switch.
10-15-2006, 10:37 PM
the ability to quickly jot down stuff with my handwriting (again much faster than Smartphone).
this is the only thing i miss from a PPC, but i DO NOT agree its faster than a SP as there are a lot of keyboard based SP where typing is actually faster than handwriting recognition.
more powerfull HW
i guess u havent read about the i320 ;) 400MHz+ Processor with 128 ROM & 64 RAM, this is my baby & actually its way more responsive than any PPC phone i have ever used.
and the fact that there is only one UMTS Smartphone, there is really no incentive for me to switch.
A LOT of 3G enabled SP are comming out, its just a matter of time, waiting for the "i600" thats gonna be a killer :D
10-15-2006, 11:29 PM
the ability to quickly jot down stuff with my handwriting (again much faster than Smartphone).
this is the only thing i miss from a PPC, but i DO NOT agree its faster than a SP as there are a lot of keyboard based SP where typing is actually faster than handwriting recognition.
I wasn't refering to using Handwriting recognition (I very rarely use Calligrapher). I was refering to simple jotting stuff in my PhatPad using digital ink. This is something you simply can't do on smartphone (quick sketch) or is slower (writting something down)...
more powerfull HW
i guess u havent read about the i320 ;) 400MHz+ Processor with 128 ROM & 64 RAM, this is my baby & actually its way more responsive than any PPC phone i have ever used.
I heard about it, and I guess it is definatelly faster than PPC on same clock, but there are other PPCs that are more powerfull, have more memory and more connectivity build in (Axim, Universal...) - Samsung for instance doesn't have WiFi...
and the fact that there is only one UMTS Smartphone, there is really no incentive for me to switch.
A LOT of 3G enabled SP are comming out, its just a matter of time, waiting for the "i600" thats gonna be a killer :D
Currently I only know about one with UMTS, and for what is worth, I have seen a lot of phones from Samsung beeing announced, not only WM devices, but getting one through carrier or even in shops is pretty much imposible here in Slovenia. So if they ever release i600 I really doubt it's going to be availabe here.
10-15-2006, 11:43 PM
simple jotting stuff in my PhatPad using digital ink. This is something you simply can't do on smartphone (quick sketch) or is slower (writting something down)...
Agreed on the Jotting thing, & thats why i mentioned thats the only thing i miss.
Samsung for instance doesn't have WiFi...
And thats where the i600 fills in as it will be equiped with WiFi, UMTS & HSDPA.. its due Q4 2006 & Sumsung never turned me down about release dates.
So if they ever release i600 I really doubt it's going to be availabe here.
Online ordering my friend, eBay for instance.. :idea:
Mike Temporale
10-16-2006, 02:16 AM
I haven't used my Pocket PC in ages. I don't see any point in carrying 2 devices and I really don't find the PPC that easy to use, especially when it comes to one-handed operation.
Everything I need to do when I'm out and about, can be done from my Smartphone. And now that I have a QWERTY enabled device, it's even more true. I don't see any reason to switch back or even carry a PPC again. They're bigger and you have to use that stylus thing just to get the simplest things done. :lol:
Mark Kenepp
10-16-2006, 05:49 AM
Just curious about all you'ns who switched wholly to Smartphone and no longer use a stylus,
What do you use to clean your ears :lol:
10-16-2006, 08:34 AM
Just curious about all you'ns who switched wholly to Smartphone and no longer use a stylus,
What do you use to clean your ears :lol:
my microSD, DAH..
10-16-2006, 11:06 AM
You're supposed to clean your ears?!?
10-16-2006, 05:48 PM
Jerry/footdoc/sojourner/magnus/scott/et al
Wouldn't a PPC Phone cover all you concerns???
(Now look to the left -- isn't it pretty :D )
Jerry Raia
10-16-2006, 06:02 PM
Models like that one (6945) do come pretty close. The keypad which would allow for easier single handed operation is the reason. Still for me it would just be a fun gadget to have. My main device is still the Smartphone. BTW I am waiting for Cingular to get that device. :mrgreen:
10-16-2006, 06:17 PM
BTW I am waiting for Cingular to get that device. :mrgreen:
You can get it now directly from HP. Cingular might have a $50-$100 rebate when they get it in a few? months. (Just the price to pay to be on the bleeding edge!)
I changed from Alltel to Cingular to get this PDA/phone. The Cingular sim card I had in the temporary phone while I was waiting for the 6945 to ship turned the 6945 on with no problems. Most of my PDA apps worked with little or no tweaking (did need a couple of new keycodes).
The only things I miss that I gave up was the larger screen and two card slots. I increased the processor speed with Pocket Hackmaster (testing at 663 now) with no problems except a little heavier battery usage.
10-16-2006, 08:10 PM
90% of what I do is email and web. Like right now I'm typing this on my Q. As I Mentioned the Q really changed it for me with the ease of data enry. I also use it for calendar and tasks. I think once you have a device with a Qwerty keypad having only a Smartphone becomes a much more desirable prospect.
Kinda funny that you misspelled "entry" when talking about ease of data entry on the Q in a post typed on the Q ;)
10-16-2006, 08:47 PM
I have used a PPCs for years and until last week had a working Dell X30 used mostly for:
Web Browsing/Web Mail
Tom Tom GPS
I definately will use this as an opportunity to converge to a single device but not sure if I want a PPC Phone or a Smart Phone. The two devices I am most interested in now are the HP6515 (ppc phone) and the new T-Mobile Dash.
Does anybody out there have any experience in running Tom Tom on a Smartphone? I know they have a version but don't know anything about how well it works.
Jerry Raia
10-16-2006, 11:50 PM
90% of what I do is email and web. Like right now I'm typing this on my Q. As I Mentioned the Q really changed it for me with the ease of data enry. I also use it for calendar and tasks. I think once you have a device with a Qwerty keypad having only a Smartphone becomes a much more desirable prospect.
Kinda funny that you misspelled "entry" when talking about ease of data entry on the Q in a post typed on the Q ;)
Yeah but I do that on my PC too. :lol:
10-17-2006, 02:48 AM
Jerry/footdoc/sojourner/magnus/scott/et al
Wouldn't a PPC Phone cover all you concerns???
(Now look to the left -- isn't it pretty :D )
Hey, I'm quite happy with my TyTN. I'm not contemplating going straight SP anytime soon. I'm actually trying to come up with excuses to use my 3125.
10-17-2006, 04:33 AM
Jerry/footdoc/sojourner/magnus/scott/et al
Wouldn't a PPC Phone cover all you concerns???
(Now look to the left -- isn't it pretty :D )
I prefer CT. ;)
And yes, I do use a PPC phone edition device. Partly because I prefer touch screens to the number pads on the current generation of Smartphones, partly because I find that the selection of software available for the Pocket PC platform suits my needs better than the software available for the Smartphone platform, and partly because I need access to certain files and notes, the synching of which is best handled by ActiveSync and a Pocket PC, as the current synchronization conduits available for the Smartphone just do not cut it for me.
Maybe in a generation or two I'll switch over to the Smartphone platform full-time, but imo it's just not ready yet. But then, to each his own. ;)
10-18-2006, 04:52 PM
Yo!... CT!...
I hadn't heard about the sync problems. Makes me even more glad I held out for the 6900.
(I guess the "Look left... Ain't it pretty" only works on the original post :wink: )
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