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View Full Version : Activesync via Bluetooth on a 2125....looking for help

08-29-2006, 10:21 PM
Does anyone know of a good troubleshooting tutorial for Activesync via bluetooth....specifically the 2125. My PC recognizes the phone and the phone sees the PC (until I try to sync). At that point the 2125 says "there is no partnership with a PC, etc...do you want to create one?" I say yes..the phone finds the PC & then I go through the same process again when I go to sync. Activesync on the PC never connects, but again the"show my bluetooth places" on the PC does show the phone. So, the two devices are "seeing each other". I'm sure its some setting or service issue.

Cingular is no help here. HTC is no help either. spent an hour on the phone with HTC yesterday teaching their technician all about the 2125. He didn't even have one to work with on the call. The 2125 user manual only has 3 sentence on the subject. Anyway any help/experience would be greatly appreciated. This is the first phone/PDA I've had trouble with re: bluetooth sync.

Mark Kenepp
08-29-2006, 10:41 PM
Check out this thread (http://www.mobilegadgetnews.com/index.php?showtopic=10512) at Mobile Gadget News.

No personal experience with it myself.

08-29-2006, 11:17 PM
Thanks...I believe I've done everything recommended in that link. I think my problem has to do with Activesync because I set up a PAN (2125 via bluetooth to Laptop to internet) without a problem, so the bluetooth is working fine.

I set up Activesync on com6 as a local service in bluetooth on the PC (Widcomm drivers)....actually it set up automatically evidently when I installed ActiveSync. I adjusted the Activesync connect settings to allow connection to com6, but no joy. Oh well, will keep serching the forums.

Mike Temporale
08-30-2006, 01:59 AM
Have you connected over USB? I would attempt that first and build a partnership. Then move to connecting over Bluetooth.

Also, turn off your firewall software on the PC. See if that makes any difference. Most AS problems seem to be firewall related.

08-30-2006, 03:32 PM
Yes..Activesync via USB works great. No firewalls running. I did a couple of hours research yesterday and it appears Activesync via Bluetooth on the 2125 may not be ready for prime time. I get all the settings just right on the phone and even had activesync show up as a service (which was a milestone)...and then the service disappeared. Consensus on some of the other forums was to do a hard reset and I'm not willing to do that as the USB sync works OK. Think I'll table this project for a while. I was starting to get obsessed with it.