08-21-2006, 10:50 PM
Stockholm, August 21 2006.
Dear Forum:
We have a C# application running on older Smartphone models
(MS Windows 2003SE for Smartphone) where both WM5.0 and PDAs
are "overkill".
The Smartphone gets input data from a barcode scanner via
bluetooth (SPP serial profile), forwards the data via GPRS to
a webserver which validates & replies with a beep + ascii-text.
Now, at the end of a transaction, we need to send ascii-text
not to the Smartphone display but rather to a portable printer
at the remote location - preferably also pushed out from the
Smartphone via bluetooth to the mobile printer.
The REAL snag is that 99% of the market only use PDAs so the
hardware manufacturers themselves have no drivers which can
be used on Win 2003SE Smartphone OS (only PPC/WinCE or WM5.0)
and consequently we need to find a workaround to solve this.
[A] Using FieldSoftware's SmartphonePrint which does allow
for bluetooth printing to some models, but it only can print
PIM elements unfortunately.
In that case, we thought of using the Smartphone PIM task
+ Notes attached to a Task, as the text to print, but this
mean we must create a Task+Notes on-the-fly programmatically
deleting any previous ones in the process, AND launch the
3rd-party SmartphonePrint sequence without user interaction!!
Does anyone now how this could be done simply?
[b] Else, has anyone seen any other Smartphone 2003 print
utility from "way back when" ??
[C] Better yet, would anyone knows of any usable drivers?!?
so we indeed could integrate the printing to our C# application
(deployed from MS Visual Studio 2005 Professional), and bypass
the need for a 3rd-party software, which is harder to control
AND which would lead to resorting to end-user action...
Grateful for any suggestions, albeit in priority C > B > A !
/Per Hagman
There are two-three well-known 3rd-party suppliers of standard
software for printing from an older Smartphone such as Qtek8080
or imate SP3 - aka SPV/Xphone/SDA/SMT5600 etc, namely:
FieldSoftware --
JetCet --
PrintBoy -- (only MS Mobile 5.0?)
Although articles, forums etc. indicate that PrintBoy works on
both PDA and Smartphones, its CAB-file doesn't install on our
MS Win 2003SE Smartphone...
Repligo 2.0 for Smartphones looks like another method, but we
will have to doublecheck if the HP printing is possible for
the portable printers that are available... ???
There are a number of small portable mobile printers available
on the market, many conveniently eqipped with a bluetooth
interface -- these printers are ok for field-service printing
For a visual near-complete listing, see again:
There is also ActivePrint for PDA printing while docked, and
it might work for Smartphones. However, it doen't really apply
for printing at remote locations (or in a delivery truck) using
small mobile printers,,,
Finally at we found a system
for printing more sophisticated database-driven report prints
which is a clear overkill for us at this stage, and still we
cannot see how they would handle the lacking mobile printer drivers...
HP has discontinued its Win Smartphone 2003SE package in late 2005:
However, here's a download link:
Dear Forum:
We have a C# application running on older Smartphone models
(MS Windows 2003SE for Smartphone) where both WM5.0 and PDAs
are "overkill".
The Smartphone gets input data from a barcode scanner via
bluetooth (SPP serial profile), forwards the data via GPRS to
a webserver which validates & replies with a beep + ascii-text.
Now, at the end of a transaction, we need to send ascii-text
not to the Smartphone display but rather to a portable printer
at the remote location - preferably also pushed out from the
Smartphone via bluetooth to the mobile printer.
The REAL snag is that 99% of the market only use PDAs so the
hardware manufacturers themselves have no drivers which can
be used on Win 2003SE Smartphone OS (only PPC/WinCE or WM5.0)
and consequently we need to find a workaround to solve this.
[A] Using FieldSoftware's SmartphonePrint which does allow
for bluetooth printing to some models, but it only can print
PIM elements unfortunately.
In that case, we thought of using the Smartphone PIM task
+ Notes attached to a Task, as the text to print, but this
mean we must create a Task+Notes on-the-fly programmatically
deleting any previous ones in the process, AND launch the
3rd-party SmartphonePrint sequence without user interaction!!
Does anyone now how this could be done simply?
[b] Else, has anyone seen any other Smartphone 2003 print
utility from "way back when" ??
[C] Better yet, would anyone knows of any usable drivers?!?
so we indeed could integrate the printing to our C# application
(deployed from MS Visual Studio 2005 Professional), and bypass
the need for a 3rd-party software, which is harder to control
AND which would lead to resorting to end-user action...
Grateful for any suggestions, albeit in priority C > B > A !
/Per Hagman
There are two-three well-known 3rd-party suppliers of standard
software for printing from an older Smartphone such as Qtek8080
or imate SP3 - aka SPV/Xphone/SDA/SMT5600 etc, namely:
FieldSoftware --
JetCet --
PrintBoy -- (only MS Mobile 5.0?)
Although articles, forums etc. indicate that PrintBoy works on
both PDA and Smartphones, its CAB-file doesn't install on our
MS Win 2003SE Smartphone...
Repligo 2.0 for Smartphones looks like another method, but we
will have to doublecheck if the HP printing is possible for
the portable printers that are available... ???
There are a number of small portable mobile printers available
on the market, many conveniently eqipped with a bluetooth
interface -- these printers are ok for field-service printing
For a visual near-complete listing, see again:
There is also ActivePrint for PDA printing while docked, and
it might work for Smartphones. However, it doen't really apply
for printing at remote locations (or in a delivery truck) using
small mobile printers,,,
Finally at we found a system
for printing more sophisticated database-driven report prints
which is a clear overkill for us at this stage, and still we
cannot see how they would handle the lacking mobile printer drivers...
HP has discontinued its Win Smartphone 2003SE package in late 2005:
However, here's a download link: