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View Full Version : MSFP stopped working...again!

08-08-2006, 09:48 PM
I recently had a generic ROM on my Cingular 2125 using MSFP with an exchange server. Suddenly, the phone wouldn't sync with the exchange server anymore. I would get an error or failed attempt everytime. The only thing I had done since it stopped working was to pair and sync it with my laptop. About that time, the new Cingular ROM was released and I installed it. Got MSFP working again, but remembering what happened the first time, I would log onto my laptop as a "Guest." This seem to be working fine. A few days ago I went ahead and establish a partnership with my laptop again and sync with outlook. Once again, my phone stopped syncing with the exchange server!!!

Any ideas on what to do???? I don' want to reinstall the ROM and have to set up everything again. There must be something else that can be done.


Mike Temporale
08-09-2006, 01:35 AM
On the phone, if you delete the partnership with your desktop, does that change anything? Does it start working again?

08-09-2006, 02:25 AM
On the phone, if you delete the partnership with your desktop, does that change anything? Does it start working again?

I can't figure out how to delete the partnership from the phone end...can you help me?

08-09-2006, 02:39 AM
Deleted partnership...still no go. This thing is really stumping me. :(

Mike Temporale
08-09-2006, 03:20 AM
Hrm... Ok. Is MSFP turned on? In the Com Manager make sure #4 (the envelope with an arrow) should be enabled.

08-09-2006, 03:56 AM
Hrm... Ok. Is MSFP turned on? In the Com Manager make sure #4 (the envelope with an arrow) should be enabled.

All above has been checked...still no sync since Aug. 2nd...the day I set up a partnership with my laptop. :cry:

Kris Kumar
08-10-2006, 01:44 AM
When you enabled partnership with the laptop, which items did you enable?

Isn't it true that you can sync mail from one source? :?

Mike Temporale
08-10-2006, 02:20 AM
Ok, here's some random thoughts. I don't have direct push setup right now so I could be off base.

Launch ActiveSync on your phone. Press Menu / Options. Then highlight your exchange server and press Menu / Settings and turn on logging. It might help track down what's going wrong.

Back at the main Active Sync window, if you press Menu / Status, does it say anything under the exchange server?

08-10-2006, 03:20 AM
When you enabled partnership with the laptop, which items did you enable?

Isn't it true that you can sync mail from one source? :?

Right...if you have email selected on one, you can't sync with the other. I have mail sync set to exchange.

08-12-2006, 02:31 PM
OK....I finally reinstalled the OS and did some experimenting. Worked fine again....UNTIL...I synced with the computer. It then stopped. Only way to get OTA sync to work again was to delete partnerships of computer AND OTA server and reset OTA server settings. The minute I establish a partnership and sync with the local laptop, the exchange server stops syncing.

Has anyone else experienced this???