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View Full Version : Problem with this XML file?

07-26-2006, 04:03 AM
Can anyone tell me the problem with this, whenever I add the missed calls plugin it doesn't seem to work :(:

<!-- Profile Plugin -->

<plugin clsid="{95976968-45D5-40c9-9779-2B859B1C2FEC}" name="Profile" height="14">
<background b-border-width="0">
<format state="unselected" x="91" y="0" w="80" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="normal" font-size="11.4" />
<format state="selected" x="91" y="0" w="80" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" font-size="11.4" />
<text>Profile: <profile/></text>

<plugin clsid="{0BA8ABB8-1F1D-417f-88C6-DA8530E2E7A6}" name="missedcalls" height="14">
<background b-border-width="0">
<format state="unselected" x="91" y="18" w="80" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="normal" font-size="11.4" />
<format state="selected" x="91" y="18" w="80" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" font-size="11.4" />
<text>Missed calls: <calls /></text>

<!-- SMS/MMS/Email Plugin -->

<plugin clsid="{2F930BF0-6FE9-4a53-9E17-88E9247BAB48}" name="SMScount" height="51" width="176">
<background b-border-width="0">
<label y="4" x="105">
<format state="unselected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="normal" font-size="11.4" />
<format state="selected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" font-size="11.4" />
<text>Voice Mail: <unreadVMail /></text>
<label y="15" x="114">
<format state="unselected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="normal" font-size="11.4" />
<format state="selected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" font-size="11.4" />
<text>E-mail: <unreadEmail /></text>
<label y="26" x="127">
<format state="unselected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="normal" font-size="11.4" />
<format state="selected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" font-size="11.4" />
<text>SMS: <unreadSMS /></text>
<label y="37" x="138">
<format state="unselected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="normal" font-size="11.4" />
<format state="selected" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" font-size="11.4" />
<text>MMS: <unreadMMS /></text>

07-26-2006, 02:37 PM
Try something like this:
<plugin clsid="{0BA8ABB8-1F1D-417f-88C6-DA8530E2E7A6}" name="missedcalls" height="14">
<format state="unselected" x="91" y="18" w="80" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="normal" font-size="11.4"/>
<format state="selected" x="91" y="18" w="80" halign="left" bgcolor="transparent" fgcolor="#FFFFFF" font-weight="bold" font-size="11.4" />
<label> <text>Missed calls: <calls /></text> </label>

I don't think this plug-in takes the b-border-width parameter.

07-26-2006, 05:03 PM
Hmm, that worked, now the plug-in is there.

BUT! its yellow, not under the missed calls plugin and everything else is shifted down :(

I'm really new to making homescreens so if you could tell me what I should do that would be great! :)