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View Full Version : Exiting from a WM5 Application.

06-27-2006, 05:50 AM

On my SDA, whenever I start a program say internet explorer, there is no option to exit. I usually hit the home key and then go to task manager and stop the program. Same is the case with Contacts or windows media player.

Any work around for this or am I just missing something?

Thanks in advance guys

Mike Temporale
06-27-2006, 01:20 PM
No work arounds, and your not missing anything. It's by design. The Smartphone will handle memory and shutdown the applications as needed. Or, that's the thought anyway.

Maybe once a day or so I'll go to task manager and kill any tasks that are running. But you don't need to do that. Or I should say, you shouldn't have to do that. ;)