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View Full Version : Handango charges $140 to be listed on the Verizon Motorola Q software store

The PocketTV Team
06-22-2006, 11:44 AM
If you have a Smartphone application on the Handango catalog, it will not be listed on the Motorola Q software store (available via a direct link on the home page of each Verizon Motorola Q Smartphone) unless you play at least $140 ("HMR testing fees") to Handango. HMR = "Handango Mobile Ready".

How do you (developers) feel about that? Does it sould like extortion to you?

Handango has the exclusivity for the Verizon Motorola Q software store (a direct link on each Verizon Motorola Q Smartphone home page), so they can ask what they want from developers, since there is no other way to get on this highly visible catalog.

But since Handango already charges 40% fees, plus various additionnal charges, totalling close to 50% total fees, I feel that they are going a bit too far in asking additional "testing fees" for listing products on their on-line mobiles catalogs.

From what we understand, Handango charges this extra $140 "HMR testing fees" for listing on any of their "mobile catalog", including their InHand catalog.

Developers that do not pay this extra testing fee will only be listed on the regular catalog, which can only be accessed from a PC and cannot be accessed from Windows Mobile devices (Pocket PC or Smartphone), even if you have Internet Access.

If you enter "www.handango.com" on PIE, you will be redirected to the InHand Client, which only lists applications that have paid the "HMR testing fee". Handango customers cannot even log to their own Handango's account (e.g. to get a replacement product key) from their mobile devices. This is ridiculously lame!

There are other mobile software store, for example Mobihand has an excellent mobile catalog ( http://mobile.mobihand.com ), and they charge no fees for that (not to mention that Mobihand's royalties is much lower than Handango's). Unfortunately the user must type "mobihand.com" to get there, so it is more effort that following a direct "Download" link on the Verizon Motorola Q home page.

I understand that Handango signed a deal with Verizon and other operators in which Handango guarantees that it will list on their mobile software store only software that are tested for the operator's devices. I have no problem with that, but I think that Handango should wave the testing fees for all the titles with good sales, for which they already make a lot of money in royalties.

An amusing side note: Handango never tested their InHand Client on Motorola Q and it does not work well on this device!

Mike Temporale
06-22-2006, 02:42 PM
Wow! Handango never stops. I'm still stunned at the $3.00 download protection fee that they are charging. Now they want to get even more money out of developers?! Crazy, silly, and down-right wrong. To top it off, their mobile website still sucks. (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/articles.php?action=expand,9227) :evil:

12-12-2006, 05:34 PM
Recently ran into this, but it isn't exactly correct. One reading of their information indicates that they charge that for testing, but another item defines HMR differently (they have a PPT slide show) that indicates that you just have to BE mobile ready. I think that we figured out that meant to be digitally signed. We have two products listed in InHand and we didn't do the fee thing. Look a little closer.

Jerry Raia
12-12-2006, 06:43 PM
I have found a few examples where their compatibility information is incorrect anyway. I wish I had made notes of them. It might be interesting for readers to post discrepancies they have found here.

This is really nonsense. We managed to survive without Handango in the early years. I think we can do so now. I have been trying and even paying for software again, in an effort to untie myself from them. I had purchased quite a bit from them in the past.

12-12-2006, 08:47 PM
We are always interested in alternatives, but the truly sad part is the InHand thing seems to have a lot of things sewn up. InHand seems to be the provider of software for most of the Cellular vendors and it is more than a significant part our sales. An alternative is needed with solid exposure to the Cell phone communities.

02-26-2007, 04:45 AM
It's terrible that Handango charges $140 to have an application on the Moto-Q site, but it's there web site and they can do what they please. We can be as angry about it as we want, but they are calling the shots when it comes to their site. The only recourse we have as developers, is not post our applications on their site (inHand or Handango.com). As customers, we shouldn't purchase from Handango.com. That's the only way we can effectively send Handango a message that developers and customers don't like their way of doing business.

As a developer, I always recommend customers purchase software directly from the developer's site. You are supporting the developer by giving him a higher percentage of the profits, and you also get the fastest and best support.


raul tinca
02-26-2007, 09:05 PM
I would really want to see Handango without SPB product line (as they now also opened the club) ... Handango will just fall of their seat :)
We also have software listed there and i must say that their way of doing business is way out of line ... better look for something else.
And their website and support for integrating providing solutions ... better not talk about it right now.
Totaly disappointed of Handango :!: