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View Full Version : Engadget's Video Walkthrough of the Zune

Darius Wey
11-04-2006, 08:05 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.engadget.com/2006/11/03/zune-complete-interface-walkthrough-video/' target='_blank'>http://www.engadget.com/2006/11/03/zune-complete-interface-walkthrough-video/</a><br /><br /></div>Good ol' Engadget has posted a video walkthrough of the Zune - covering just about every feature that you could poke a stick at. Seeing all this in action makes me want to play with a Zune now. Oh, the agonizing wait. ;-)<br /><br /><img alt="" src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/zt/2006/wey-20061104-engwkth_01.jpg" /><br /><em>Figure 1: Large album art with zero whitespace. Yeah!</em><br /><br /><div style="page-break-after: always;"><span style="display: none;"> </span></div><br /><br /><img alt="" src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/zt/2006/wey-20061104-engwkth_02.jpg" /><br /><em>Figure 2: Video playback on the Zune seems very pleasing to the eye.</em><br /><br /><img alt="" src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/zt/2006/wey-20061104-engwkth_03.jpg" /><br /><em>Figure 3: Momma always taught you to share.</em><br /><br /><img alt="" src="http://images.thoughtsmedia.com/zt/2006/wey-20061104-engwkth_04.jpg" /><br /><em>Figure 4: Great! It's good to see there's an option to turn the wireless radio off.</em>

11-05-2006, 09:33 AM
Thanks Darius. No question, that enGadget review really sells the Zune!

Of all Zune video clips so far, the enGadget review is certainly the most comprehensive look yet at the player in operation.

FYI, we've posted a minute-by-minute index of the enGadget Zune walkthrough.

It lists each of the 40 features demonstrated in the video, with an index showing where in the 13-minute video the feature appears.

Kind of helps when I'm re curious about a particular feature - - just drag that video cursor to the index to see the feature in action. It's posted at: http://www.zunerama.com/#061104_zune3_story

- Harvey