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View Full Version : Two TCP/IP-connections on two different network adapters at the same time?

05-31-2006, 10:01 AM
I have got a general question about TCP/IP-connections in Microsoft Windows Mobile.
I used T-Mobile’s MDA Pro (QTek 9000) to connect to Internet via UMTS and used a USB-cable or WLAN to connect to my Laptop.
If a UMTS-connection to internet is open and I connect a USB-cable to my computer, the UMTS-connection is closed automatically. It is possible to synchronise data with my laptop but I can not open the UMTS-connection again, as long as the USB-cable is plugged-in. The combination of WLAN and UMTS shows the same behaviour.
A guy from T-Mobile’s hotline told me, that this is “normal” behaviour.
So here is my general question:
Is it possible to use two TCP/IP-connections on two different network adapters at the same time?

Mike Temporale
05-31-2006, 12:59 PM
No, not to my knowledge. There can only be one active data connection at any time.

06-03-2006, 07:33 AM
Activesync in a smart phone assigns the phone an IP address from the computer through the RNDIS connection. In other words the phone becomes a server for the laptop and at the same time you can be connected to the internet via LAN/CABLE/DSL/WI-FI through the laptop.
Which in a sense would give the computer a duel Internet Proxy Assignment. However, the computer will still be using the IP given by the connection to the internet. The reason the phone cannot be used for calls or UTMS during the sync is the power drain. Just like you can't call and use the UTMS at the same time during the modem tether.

TIP: To set the modem tether turn off automatic on Activesync!