View Full Version : Power up sound and other annoyances!!
I don't know if this is specific to my Moto MPx220, but everytime I powerup my device (quite frequent when installing software, debugging problems, etc.)
So I tried saving some sound files to the \Windows directory with the same name as those powerup sound and other files. Like I can do with PPC, for alarm files for example.
It works fine... until the next startup and those files are gone, and the original ones are BACK 8O.
The Moto Powerup sound is horrible and way much too loud. I also don't like those stupid MenuPop and MenuSel etc. files that get quite disturbing to other people around.
I know I can set the system sounds to level 0, but then I can't hear the wav files played from the File Manager!! 8O
So the only way left is to replace those system files with ones with no sound.
I works like it should on PPC, apparently NOT on SP.
Any ideas/suggestions?
Mike Temporale
05-24-2006, 06:30 PM
Right. That won't work on the Smartphone. The Windows folder is extra special on the Smartphone. If you change anything in it, the folder is reset on reboot. It's a safety measure to ensure the protection of your phone's operating system.
You might want to look around the registry to see if there's an entry that tells the OS which files to play. Or try something like Soundz Cool. ( I think it would handle changing of those sounds.
06-09-2006, 07:34 PM
That's strange. I have a new T-Mobile SDA, and have done just what "jlp" tried. Renamed a couple of .wav files (less annoying and of lower volume than the standard ones) to replace the original "T-Mobile shutdown.wav" and "T-Mobile startup.wav".
Have had no problems. I've gone through several full power cycles, and the new sounds have not disappeared. Way more pleasing on the ears that the original sounds.
Wonder if this is because the SDA is running Windows Mobile 5 instead of an earlier OS.
Thanks for the answers. I haven't had an opportunity to reboot my MPx lately, tho more often than not the running task list remains empty; while I know I have at least 2-3 running apps.
Anyway I haven't found a need to reboot it especially since it hard reset on me after 2 weeks use and I haven't been able to do a full backup yet.
Stupidly ActiveSync does NOT backup SMS/MMS and I have very important messages there, so I can't afford to loose them. So if I don't reboot, I'm less likely to loose anything due to hard reset.
I haven't been able to install Sunnysoft Backup yet (problem with connection to the PC) and stupidly too Sprite backup has NO demo version (I do have it for my PPC and it had a demo version then); since my MPx can't install many progs, I won't buy it eyes closed.
Mike Temporale
06-12-2006, 09:05 PM
jlp, rebooting is not the same as a hard reset. Turning off and on your phone is considered a reboot. ;) You won't loose any MMS or SMS on reboot. Only on a hard reset.
marcsblack, I don't have a SDA so I can't say for sure, but my guess is that the wav files that you over-wrote are not in the windows folder. A simple test is to copy a text file into the /Windows folder then reboot the phone. It should not be there once the phone finishes the reboot.
07-19-2006, 11:03 AM
Mike, are you sure about the rebooting/wiping? I also changed the startup and shutdown sounds and things are still fine. I wonder if it may be because I made sure the properties were read only, just as the originals. Maybe ones with write access are overwritten. Let me go check, I'll report back with the news.
07-19-2006, 11:12 AM
Alright, I changed the three files:
T-Mobile wallpaper.jpg
TMO shutdown.gif
TMO startup.gif
- No read only attribute.
Upon shutdown, it hung on the desktop for the time it would take to shut down, no custom image. Startup was normal.
With Read only checked:
No change. too bad. I have the wrong files or there is another change. Too bad.
Some files in the windows folder are stuck and you're out of luck until someone fixes it.
I do have custom startup and shut down sounds (thanks windows...)
but the graphics are apparently protected.
I'd love for someone to figure a workaround.
I see, the shutdown image does not reset so far, I may have saved it wrong. I still have no shutdown image. Good think I backed it up.
I killed the shutdown screen, but not the startup one.
Any thoughts?
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