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View Full Version : How to silence the phone in profiles on c600

05-19-2006, 12:12 PM
Gonna sound like I am a muppett, but I just cannot sort this. I want in my silent profile for the phone to be completely silent, on all events such as sms and ring. On the normal I want the incoming call to ring and vibrate and on new SMS I want it to vibrate.

I just cannot figure the settings, I have tried everything, and it is either silent in both, or vibrates in both.

Here are the settings I have :

Under Sounds :-

Ring Tone - custom mp3
reminders - orange_reminder
new email - orange_email
new SMS message - vibrate
new voice message - orange_sms
alarm clock - trill ring
sim toolkit - orange_sms
exclamations - orange_oops
question - alarm2
warning - orange_warning
keypad control - none

Under the profile I have :

Normal Profile
Name - normal
ring type - vibrate and ring
ring volume - 4
alarm type - increasing
alarm volume - 3
notification type - vibrate
notification volume - 3
system sound volume - 1

Silent Profile
Name - Silent
ring Type - silent
ring volume - off
alarm type - sound
alarm volume - off
notification type - play sound
notification volume - off
system sound volume - off

The problem I seem to have is that there does not seem to be an option under notification for off, so I just do not know what combination to use.


Mike Temporale
05-19-2006, 06:24 PM
I think you've got it all right.

You could still hear some sounds if the application doesn't check the current profile before playing a given sound. Perhaps this is what you're seeing. When you have it on silent, what sounds do you hear?

05-19-2006, 07:00 PM
This is the problem, I am not hearing anything, but the phone is still vibrating when it is on silent .... which when is in a meeting, is still rather loud as the vibrate is loud.

Rocco Augusto
05-19-2006, 07:59 PM
This is the problem, I am not hearing anything, but the phone is still vibrating when it is on silent .... which when is in a meeting, is still rather loud as the vibrate is loud.

try using the meeting profile. i always get them both confused but i know one silences everything and one makes it vibrate.

05-19-2006, 08:55 PM
OK .. so I have tried the meeting profile, and the phone still vibrates .... even a vibrate icon appears on the top bar.

I just do not know what is wrong. I have selected the notification type as off ... so why is the thing still vibrating.

Mike Temporale
05-19-2006, 09:00 PM
Ok, instead of putting the Ring Type to Silent, leave it to Ring and make sure the volume is off. That should give you the results you're looking for.

05-19-2006, 10:40 PM
It is not a ring that it is making, it is the vibration that it is making.

The phone is silent on incoming call, it just vibrates when a new SMS message is received, when I want it to be non-vibrating ... I want the phone completely silent.

I just cannot see what settings I should be using, they all look fine to me.

Rocco Augusto
05-19-2006, 11:05 PM
i know this is going to sound odd but i would like you to try two things for me. they are as follows:

1) soft reset your phone and then put the phone in silent mode and try calling yourself.

2) if that doesnt work, in the normal profile change the ring type to just "ring". this is the only thing that you have setup differently then i do (minus volumes) so it is the only thing that i can think of besides a soft reset taht might help you


Mike Temporale
05-20-2006, 01:05 AM
The phone is silent on incoming call, it just vibrates when a new SMS message is received, when I want it to be non-vibrating ... I want the phone completely silent.

Oh, ok. So the problem is just with text messages. Under Sounds, change "New Text Message" from Vibrate to None. :wink:

05-20-2006, 08:02 AM
OK, so I have tried what you suggested, but still having the same problem.

To me it seems like it is not taking some of the profile settings. For the phone ring, it is working as it should. In Normal mode it is ringing and vibrating and the text message vibrates.

In Silent Mode, the phone ring is silent, but the text message is still vibrating.

I am sure I had this working on a previous phone, I had it replaced 2 weeks ago ... so want to get the same behavious back.

This is getting very frustrating .. :-)

05-21-2006, 05:43 PM
Well, it seems like I have found the solution.

It looks like whatever is in the sounds part of the settings, overides whatever is in the profiles.

In the sounds section, I had the SMS Message set to vibrate. And then in the profiles, in normal had vibrate but notification set to 3, in silent mode, had it to vibrate but notification set to off.

If you change the sounds parts to Play Sound, then in silent mode it then works.

Weird, but at least I found the answer in the end.