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View Full Version : Any suggestions? 2125 Vrs 8125 - Looking to upgrade

Bill Harrison
05-06-2006, 02:56 PM
Hi all, I currently have an audiovox SMT5600, and enjoy using it. I do want to upgrade soon, and am torn between these 2 devices.

I have owned pocket pc's in the past, and the amount of software seems better on that end of things. The 8125 is slightly larger, but since I use a bluetooth headset 99% of the time, thats not such a big deal, as long as its pocketable.

In my mind, here is the Pros and cons, and feel free to help me out here!



One handed operation (More like a phone)


Faster (I am basing this mostly because they both have the same processor, but I think there is less overhead on the phone)

Easier to get away with sneaky web reading etc (Looks like a phone, so people are less suspicious)


Smaller (But excellent from what I have heard) screen

No touch screen

Won't run most PPC apps (which far outnumber smartphone apps still :()

No wifi

No keyboard (Although this is less an issue, I am pretty kick ass with T9)



Touch screen

Larger Screen

Is a real "PPC"





Not a "Phone" per se

A little slow (From what I have heard)

There is my run down, I am really torn between these devices.

I know some of the people here have both, so feel free to give me any pointers.

And no, I am not buying both :D

Sven Johannsen
05-06-2006, 08:11 PM
Have you used a PPC before? Do you still, or did you dump it when you got the SMT? How do you feel about going back, if that is the case.

You don't have WiFi now. Do you miss it? Are there significant free hotspots that you already frequent? Are you willing to pony up $ if they aren't free and you are there often? You know it eats battery, and EDGE is pretty quick on it's own.

I'd say, unless you used to use a PPC, and you miss it, go with the Smartphone.

If you find yourself often saying, gee I wish I had WiFi right now, or gee I wish I had a touch screen, or gee I wish that piece of software wasn't just for PPCs, go the bulkier route.

05-06-2006, 08:40 PM
I have a 2125 and I don't think too much of it. I have had it about a month, first one I got was dead second one works ok but the Bluetooth is almost useless, no stereo (bluetooth 2.0) so no headphones, the headset connects and disconnects in the act of making a call so the end result is that if you use voice dialing half the time it ends up sending the sound to the phone instead of the headset. The joy stick is unreliable and many times does something other than what you ask it to do. The phone is application locked so literally almost nothing but what comes with it runs on it. The unlocks posted here do not appear to work at least on my phone just as posted by others. Browsing and email work but are very slow even with an edge connection or what appears to be one but they do work.

Jerry Raia
05-07-2006, 05:36 AM
And no, I am not buying both :D

Oh c'mon get both! I did! :)

Ok seriously one handed operation is almost impossible with the 8125 but it will run more apps. Yes it is a bit slow. Honestly I wouldn't part with either but if I had to choose one it would be the 8125. It just does more and has a larger screen Still when you put them next to each other, the 8125 isn't really that much bigger.

05-08-2006, 03:17 PM

I've read many of your posts and I always got the impression that you favored your 2125. Have you changed your mind?

Jerry Raia
05-08-2006, 03:37 PM
Oh no. As a Smartphone it is the best I have owned so far and I wouldn't part with it. I was only saying if I could only have one device I would probably go with the 8125. On a side note I rarely use the 8125 as a phone.