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05-06-2006, 02:46 PM
just about every night I get 2-4 phone calls from the same #. When I answer there is nothing but dead air. I call the number and get a recording telling me it's Sprint trying to sell me new services or products and if I don't want to be called just enter my phone #...so I do. But the calls keep coming.

So about 2 weeks ago I call customer service...tell them my problem...they've never heard of the number and I should call tech support...which I do. They try to help me by giving me instructions on how to get to my "security" feature on my phone in the hope that I can block the #. I have to hang up with this individual to try it...there is nothing I see on the phone that will block the number!!

So I decide that when I get home, I will go to a Sprint store and have them help me. (all the while...I'm still getting these phone calls) I walk into the store and explain it to the first person I see. He tells me point blank that there is nothing he or anyone else at the store can do...???? 8O In my mind I hear a voice saying OH...MY...GOD... I must have been looking at him like "you've got to be kidding"...he then says..."well you can call the customer service number that we call...it's a little faster". So he dials the number...and I wait like 5 minutes for someone to help me. I tell them my story...they say there's nothing they can do and that I need to talk to technical support. (see paragraph 2...i.e. already been there!!). THEN! he has the nerve to ask me how the service was???? I said..."well you didn't solve my problem did you?" and hung up. :x

SO I come home and call "tech support" on my land line. After telling her my story, she tells me that she has blocked "direct" calls.


The DAY this contract ends I'm switching to cingular.

Mike Temporale
05-07-2006, 09:01 PM
8O Wow... Now that's customer service. It feels good to know that they are looking out for you. Doesn't it? :roll:

05-08-2006, 01:20 AM
Thanks for listening to my rant! I felt a little guilty posting it...but I just HAD to let off some steam after that one! A couple of tequilas later and I'm as calm as a cucumber again.

Still going to switch to cingular though.

Mike Temporale
05-08-2006, 01:46 AM
Can't say I blame you. I can't imagine many people being happy with service like that.

As for the tequila; I don't touch that stuff anymore. I've learned my lesson. I stick to a bottle of wine or two. ;)

Jerry Raia
05-08-2006, 03:16 AM
As for the tequila; I don't touch that stuff anymore. I've learned my lesson. I stick to a bottle of wine or two. ;)

Now hold on there, taken in large enough quantities tequila does have healing powers. :lol:

Mike Temporale
05-08-2006, 03:57 AM
Well, if that's what you call "Healing" then I don't want it. Tequila and I have agreed that we are better off without each other in our lives. ;)

Rocco Augusto
05-15-2006, 03:05 AM
youre going to hate me for saying this, especially since i work for cingular, but both the customer service rep over the phone and the one in the store were both correct. neither would have been able to help you. the only people that would ahve been able to help you was top level tech support.

now i dont want to upset you but there is a reason for this. there is much fraud that goes on in the wireless industry and so much turn around as far as employees go that all the carriers, including cingular, pretty much cripple any ability that a customer service rep in a store or over the phone would have in being able to help you with a problem like this. all carriers direct problems like this to a special department.

it sucks and its frustrating but in reality its really to help protect the customer. just imagine what it would be like if the store employees could have complete controll over your account or anyone elses account. people would get free credits all the time, thous making the company lose money and then making the company raise rates to make up for lost revenue.

as for over the phone support all the carriers usually outsource their customer support to third party call centers. they are only able to do certain things at those call centers due to such high turn around that happens there. before i was old enough to work for cingular i use to work at a call center that handled bellsouth, voicestream and omnipoint calls. three different carriers at any different time! this is why a lot of times people cant get help for stupid problems, there are so many security checkpoints in place to protect the company that sometimes in stops us from porperly doing our job.

now if you would still like to come to cingular, please do, i would love to have you. i just wanted to let you know ahead of time that while the chances of it are very slim history could repeat itself :)

05-16-2006, 05:28 AM
Thanks so much for your explanation! I wish you were the person I was dealing with. At least I'd know WHY I couldn't be helped. :wink: