View Full Version : What's the Biggest Missing Feature for your Smartphone?
Mike Temporale
04-27-2006, 05:00 PM
We're all walking around with these incredibly powerful devices in our pockets. Each device has mega-bytes upon mega-bytes of memory, lots of CPU power, beautiful screens, and the list just keeps going on. However, we always seem to find something that is missing or lacking in our beloved devices. I see a lot of posts where people are asking, why can't I get a device that does X or Y? Why are there no devices with Z built right in? So this is the question I bring to you today; I want to know what is the single biggest missing feature that you want to see added to your next Smartphone. It doesn't matter if your missing feature is hardware or software based, but it can only be one thing. Let us know what it is and why you want it. I'm interested in hearing what everyone thinks and wants in their future devices. 8)
Rocco Augusto
04-27-2006, 06:01 PM
the ability to download all filetypes from pocketie. :x
04-27-2006, 06:24 PM
My old Sony Dumbphone could transfer files with my Pocket PC over Bluetooth, and I could send SMS messages through it from the Pocket PC using third-party software, also over Bluetooth.
The Smartphone? Dial-up networking only.
Wait, these two devices have the same OS and they can't speak to each other? Stupid.
04-27-2006, 06:53 PM
One thing I would like to see is for IE to support frames - so that I can access my corp webmail without having to use opera.
Mike Temporale
04-27-2006, 07:01 PM
One thing I would like to see is for IE to support frames - so that I can access my corp webmail without having to use opera.
Frame support was added in AKU2 for Windows Mobile 5. ;) How's that for a wish come true! :lol:
04-27-2006, 07:13 PM
Given that my phone CPU has a faster processor than my first desktop (by a factor of 10) I would expect it to work like a PC. All file types. Megabytes of storage??? Sorry, I expect Gigs by now. My next phone will have GPS in it, same with my wife and kids so I can be sure they are safe and I can locate them. They need to be thinner. It should fit into a pocket without causing me to change up to the next size pants. (I keep mine in a holster anyway.) They should come with some true access to push email. Paying $300 for a push license is absurd. I am beginning to expect them to have 3+ MP camera now.
04-27-2006, 07:19 PM
I want it to look good. That is a feature I'm missing. I want it to be kewl and all shiny and really slim and sexy.
I have a 2125. It is awesome but it isn't KEWL. I don't long to look at it and I have no concern if it is scratched or not.
I'd like tweakability to be enhanced. Why do they put all those silly pictures that I don't use in ROM where I cant' delete them. What about all those CRAPPPY sounds...I'd like to be able to delete those and replace them with my own. Space is at such a premium and they fill the ROM up with CRAP.
Yes, I'd like the ROM crap factor to be lowered as a new feature and ability to delete crap ROM files.
04-27-2006, 08:14 PM
How about bringing back Active Sync over IP. As I understand it, this feature was eliminated in AS 4.1.
What were they thinking? :x Were they trying to force people onto push email?
I can"t believe we still don't have repeating reminders for missed calls and vmails.
The above would be followed closely be copy/paste functionality.
04-27-2006, 09:58 PM
I want to have notes and tasks. I used to have a blackberry and found these features really useful. If i can add them to outlook, we should be able to sync them to our phones.
04-27-2006, 11:58 PM
I use my phone extensively when on the road and knowing weather conditions (radar) is important. My phone knows where it's at (tower location), but I don't have a clue what zip code I'm in. Weather software should automatically give me radar based on my location. :roll:
Mike Temporale
04-28-2006, 01:08 AM
Wow, I'm really surprised that so many features have been software based.
I've been trying to think about what I want for a while now, and I've finally narrowed it down to 2 things. I can't decide what I want more.
I used to want dual memory card slots. One hidden under the battery where I can install programs and it would never be removed and the other on the outside of the phone where I can easily insert pictures and music files. But I've realized that this wouldn't be required if we just had more memory built-into the phone. Give me lots of internal memory so I can install everything local and then I can load my storage card with music and pictures. I wouldn't care about swapping the card and loosing access to a given application. So that's my biggie - more internal memory.
The other one is a built-in GPS. I haven't been too big on GPS so far and I think a lot of it has to do with all the extra parts you need to carry. It's another charger, another mount, another device. And then you have to get the Bluetooth connection working between them and hope nothing goes wrong there. I think if it was built in, I would be more inclined to use it. It would be nice to see more location based services spring up for the Smartphone.
I just can't pick between the two - memory or GPS.
Pete Paxton
04-28-2006, 01:43 AM
Pocket word. It can be simple like the PPC version but needs to be compatible with Word.
04-28-2006, 03:21 AM
Other than more memory...ipod-like memory...and GPS, all of my needsd are software based.
There is just not enough apps out there for the smartphone platform. It took some time to really be widespread as the PPC (and probably still isnt there 100% yet). Developers of Mobile apps seem to still lean towards PPCs like they're waiting for the Smartphone platform to take off some more or be more dominant.
But I believe that day wont come until developers lead the way and make it the platform of choice.
Microsoft doesnt even think enough of the Smartphone platform to prot over some of their own apps like Microsoft Reader, MS Money, Word, Excel, Powerpoint. It just doesnt make sense.
I assume and hope that Photon will converge the platforms and they are just waiting for that to arrive to share the applications between the two hardware devices. They waited too long to support these apps and now it may just not be worth it to write for a platform that won't really exist in the not too distant future. (a year???)
- I want a working CellTrack application. (Please). Or if the phones have built in GPS...a GPS location based applications.
- I want more web based apps that pull data from the internet to an application on the phone....and vice versa. Not just weather, news and stocks. But personal data, business data, and more.
- I want more camera based apps like product scanning where one could the utilize the fact that they are connected to the internet and check pricing, information, reviews.
- I want the inclusion of home convergence. I want to turn on my lights at home. Change the temperature. Feed my cat, open the blinds. Check the security cams.
- I want a fully synchronizing money application that can also directly connect to my back so that I may withdrawl, pay bills, or just checkout my financial situation.
What i really want is a device that is my PC in a Smartphone body. Carrying all of my data all of the time. I can then plug it into my home monitor and it's my home pc. Plug it into my Work monitor anbd keyboard and it's my Work PC. Go to a dumb terminal anywhere in the world and THAT is now my PC.
That's what these devices should be...a protable version of your ENTIRE digital life. This thing doesnt push and pull data from your IS your PC.
I want a wrist top Smartphone with a heads-up display on my glasses so small it's barely noticable. I'd even wear a device that was made to fit on your wrist...including the curved LCD. I wouldnt even mind if it was as big as a Roman Gladiator's (no fantasy here) metal wrist least it would be in a different form factor. As well as be functional and in-line with many sci-fi movies.
I want it all, I want was was promised to me on the Jetsons!
04-28-2006, 04:52 AM
2) GPS
Have Papyrus as the default calendar and task app built in.... and then, have the ability to open/edit a reminder directly in Papyrus (instead of having to snooze or dismiss and then find the appointment to open it)
04-28-2006, 08:38 AM
maybe i missed something, but i cant find a way to go back to a word (when typing an sms) and get a drop-down list of other possible typing matches. All my other phones did this. I cant believe it's still missing
04-28-2006, 01:51 PM
The ability to sync the calendar/contacts to both home and work, and not have them polute the other system. I want my phone to have both, but my work should only have work and home should only have home.
I would also like the ability via bluetooth to have my phone act as a controller for the music systems in the house, if that means I need MCE as the music stream thats fine. But it should control station, volume, playlist.......
cingular 2125
04-28-2006, 03:07 PM
I would just like the phone to work.
WM 5 devices have become so non-responsive that frequently, the phone will ring only once before the network rolls the call to phonemail. That, along with the stability issues with my WM 5 phones, has me wanting the Mobile Devices group to stop adding features and focus on getting the current features to work correctly.
Sorry for the downer post, but at some point, new features are irrelevant if the old ones don't work.
maybe i missed something, but i cant find a way to go back to a word (when typing an sms) and get a drop-down list of other possible typing matches. All my other phones did this. I cant believe it's still missing
Oh yea! I TOTALLY agree!!! This is my #1 request!! It's in plenty of other phones, but not smartphones?!?! Not having this makes writing via the keypad longer :(
04-28-2006, 09:31 PM
I would like location specific kiosks to provide data. I would like to go into Disneyland and park, walk close to the kiosk and have it connect to my phone. It would remember the area I parked, then provide me a map of Disneyland. I could dial some numbers to reserve a "fast pass" on a specific ride so when I arrive at the ride it recognizes me and I can move ahead in the line. It could prompt me for food and restroom areas when I'm near one. Offer coupons.
I should be able to walk into 7-11 and pay for my big gulp by connecting to their system and type in my bank PIN.
I don't remember who said it above...but I completely agree with them. I should be able to have all my data on my phone, connect to a monitor and keyboard (bluetooth or such) and have it be my home PC. Take the phone to work and connect the intranet, monitor, keyboard, printers, etc.
04-29-2006, 12:17 AM
I would just like the phone to work.
WM 5 devices have become so non-responsive that frequently, the phone will ring only once before the network rolls the call to phonemail. That, along with the stability issues with my WM 5 phones, has me wanting the Mobile Devices group to stop adding features and focus on getting the current features to work correctly.
Sorry for the downer post, but at some point, new features are irrelevant if the old ones don't work.
Me too.
This is why I still have to use a blackberry.
I would prefer to use Windows 5, but I need to trust my smartphone won't corrupt my Exchange/ Outlook data when sync'ed.
04-29-2006, 02:49 AM
I'm not sure if only my phone model lacks this but I would love a decent built-in notepad application. Its the first software I always purchase whenever I get a new device. :?
Mark Larson
04-29-2006, 08:52 AM
There are so many things I won't even bother to list them here. All I can say is that i was very disappointed with my WM5 smartphone after using a WM2003SE phone.
The wifi isn't easy to use concurrently with EDGE (proxy settings), the interface "sticks" in that it looks like its too busy to even display its own busy indicator, basic functionality is buried too deep within the menus to be very functional, and the overall feel could be replicated by a much cheaper phone.
MS needs to realize that we're buying phones, not PCs. Not only are they harder to use unless the UI is designed right, most people don't want to drop $20-30 on apps that enhance the functionality. They expect them to just work.
I was thinking that that's the difference between the Apple approach and the MS approach - one concentrates on making features accessible and easy to use, the other relies on feature lists and not much else.
I'd rather get a "dumb" phone for which I don't have to pay $20-30 to buy apps to get basic functionality that's right there in comparable phones. If I had a choice between a Sony Ericsson K750i and the SDA at the same price, I'd have skipped the SDA without a second thought. That's how much i loath the interface. Everything except using the contacts list is a pain. The contacts application and the ability to use just a few keypresses to find any contact is the jewel stuck in the turd.
I guess there's a divide between those of us who want a Smartphone to be a phone first, with easy to use features and those of us who just want to keep piling on the features without regard for usability.
05-01-2006, 03:10 AM
Just found this thread and I need to share my thoughts on the matter.
Hardware/software manufacturers take heed - the one(s) that get this right will reap huge rewards.
1. IT HAS TO WORK - all the time. Unreliability is an absolute no no!.
2. It has to sync reliably all the time.
3. It has to be easy to use for a reasonably technical person.
4. We don't want to have to choose the features we need - we want all of them. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPRS, EDGE, A2DP, GPS, built in keyboard.
5. KEEP THE SCREEN SIZE and resolution the same for gods sake!
6. STANDARD connectors not different ones for different phones SHEESH you'd think we would be done with all that.
7. Standard fully accessible card slots - SD as a minimum. Want to add mini and micro - go ahead but leave us with at least one SD slot as well.
8. NEVER take away functionality nothing upsets consumers more. What used to be available in WM2003 should be in WM5 - anyone disagree here.
9. The phone should be small enough to use as a phone - style matters too, but never at the cost of features the Star trek is a case in point - no WIFI and micro SD cards are they crazy!
10. I need to sync my data- not some or most of it!
11. I need to be able to work on my data not just look at it.
This is near and dear to me. I've been trying to decide what phone to buy and everytime I find "it" it has some flaw that rules it out.
Very frustrating...
05-01-2006, 05:27 PM
1) An alarm clock (right now have to enter/set an appointment)
2) Snooze for appointment reminders
3) Stopwatch
4) bottle opener
05-01-2006, 06:27 PM
rom upgradability. Physically they're all possible but there's simpily lack of interest. On each upgrade I've done so far, i've chosen to not surpport the previous hardware vendor due to their choice of not offering OS upgrade to whatever smartphone/pdaphone I previously had. I'm basically out of choices now =)
Anyhow Wifi and a upgradeable OS is all that i really want atm.
Rocco Augusto
05-01-2006, 07:25 PM
1) An alarm clock (right now have to enter/set an appointment)
there is an alarm clock in the time/date settings menu
05-01-2006, 07:44 PM
This has been covered here, but I just wanted to chime in that its my most desired feature. To have GPS built into the phone, have a truly fast internet connection, and have the phone know where I'm at and offer me the information I need without typing in a bunch of stuff and waiting forever to get the answers back.
When I look for movies, traffic reports, driving directions, weather, restuarants, etc, etc. it should know where I'm at and give me that information automatically. And it should do it quicker than I can call somewhere and ask for the same information.
Some other folks ideas about being able to pay for merchandise is great too. Its got a SIM card already and that should be able to be used like a credit/debit card. Of course we'd want to have the password protection on our phone and would need to be able to immediately report the SIM stolen just like it was a credit card.
I also feel compelled to complain that Outlook Notes synchronization is not built in. That's just silly. And the "slowdowns" and lockups stink too. But I used to be a die-hard PDA fan (separate PDA and phone), but now I can't imagine having them separate.
05-02-2006, 03:34 AM
I'm not sure if only my phone model lacks this but I would love a decent built-in notepad application. Its the first software I always purchase whenever I get a new device. :?
I'll second that... I've had my SDA for about 2 wks. and a a Note capability (not a viewer) seems to be really lacking.
05-02-2006, 10:20 AM
I'd rather get a "dumb" phone for which I don't have to pay $20-30 to buy apps to get basic functionality that's right there in comparable phones. If I had a choice between a Sony Ericsson K750i and the SDA at the same price, I'd have skipped the SDA without a second thought.
You're kidding, right?
My girlfriend has a K750i & it's not even possible to create a calendar entry without setting up specific start & end times, she likes to record which day's she's worked, friends' birthdays etc. & the K750i's calendar is so awful for that, she now takes a paper diary with her instead of using it.
The difference is, it might cost £10-£20 to get replacement s/w on a smartphone, but at least you can, she's stuck with her calendar!
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