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View Full Version : Tasks are slow

04-22-2006, 04:57 PM
When I bring up Tasks, it takes 2.5 minutes for it to come up. When I refilter on Tasks, it takes another 2.5 minutes. So Task management is basically unusable! The slow CPU and memory in the Cingular 8125 is killing me!

I have already applied a couple of performance-improvement recommendations from HTC Wizard, but I have NOT yet tried doubling the clock speed.

Okay, I admit that I have about 1,000 Active Tasks, and another 1,000 Completed Tasks. The Completed ones can/should probably be deleted, but I use Tasks as a Reference and Note Taking tool.

Any thoughts or recommendations out there?


Mike Temporale
04-23-2006, 02:11 AM
Well, first off, I have to tell you that we're all about Smartphones here. The 8125 is a Pocket PC Phone Edition. You would have better luck on our sister site: Pocket PC Thoughts (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com)

As for your problem, just a guess but I would set Active Sync to not sync completed tasks. That should really help. I think your slowness is related to the large amount of tasks you have listed.