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04-13-2006, 02:14 AM
Can someone help me learn to make my own background images? I'd like to use them with Facade.

Thanx much.

Mike Temporale
04-13-2006, 03:18 AM
what phone do you have? It matters since older WinMO2003 devices have a smaller screen.

04-13-2006, 03:54 AM
Cingular 2125.

04-13-2006, 04:42 AM
Ruttensoft makes a Theme maker, but its not yet QVGA

Omegaone has one, I've never used, just updated for QVGA - called Home Edit http://www.omegaone.com/homeedit/default.htm

Then of course, Kam ThemeMaker SP ( http://www.thememaker.biz/ )Never tried it either, but supports SP QVGA and Square for PPC-PE both.

There is also numerous places that give the bit requirements for making your own background - 240x320x64,000 I believe.
Hope this helps.


04-13-2006, 02:20 PM
Thanks for the links.

If I could be more specific: how do I convert a 320x240 image into an xml file to load into the /home dir? Using Photoshop elements.

Thanx again, all.

04-13-2006, 02:33 PM
The easiest is using one of these programs. Because its not just the image you have to setup, you have the menu background, transparency, plugin, font colors etc. So overlaying layers can react to your new background, this is what the .HME (home) file defines. You acn transfer the file to your desktop and edit it to see file names and positions.

Many moons ago I tried to find the specs. I'm sure they are on MSDN now, but you'd have to code the XML info manually. The image file, I believe is embedded in a .tsk file that has some code, then the xml sets up the rest. At least thats the way I understand it. I ended up using Ruttensoft to setup all the files then tweaked the .hme file manually for esact colors and positions I wanted.

Mike Temporale
04-13-2006, 02:53 PM
Thanks for the links.

If I could be more specific: how do I convert a 320x240 image into an xml file to load into the /home dir? Using Photoshop elements.

Thanx again, all.

No conversion is needed. If all you want to do is use your image instead of the default background image, just copy it to the application\home screen folder. Then go into the Start / Settings / Home Screen and change the background value to be your image. That's it. You will still have the same layout of your information, just the image will be different.

The XML file is used to determine where the information is placed on the screen.

If you're looking to make a theme or something more involved then that's a different story. ;)

04-13-2006, 08:24 PM
Cool....that be what I'm looking for. Seems the program '1-Home Edit' hangs my smartphone...........grrrrrrrr......

Now to use some of my underwater pictures for backgrounds.....SWEET!

Mike Temporale
04-14-2006, 02:00 AM
Now to use some of my underwater pictures for backgrounds.....SWEET!

Cool. Those would make great background images. :D

04-14-2006, 02:07 AM
Mine would have to be clown fish..... 8O

04-15-2006, 11:21 PM
Here ya go, Edgar. A Clown Triggerfish, taken in Indonesian waters. Resized to 320 x 240.


04-16-2006, 12:43 AM
Sweet, thanks.

Mike Temporale
04-16-2006, 01:07 AM
Here ya go, Edgar. A Clown Triggerfish, taken in Indonesian waters. Resized to 320 x 240.

Wow, what a beautiful fish. I don't see any humor in it, but it sure is pretty. ;)

04-16-2006, 02:57 AM
There is no humor... The fish is crying on the inside - like any clown. The water hides it's tears.

05-24-2006, 03:52 AM
Sorry for the basic question, but where do you store the *.hme file?

I searched my device (Moto MPx-220), but there are none yet, and I don't see a folder that you should store them in. Is it just \windows ?

(I also searched this board with "install hme" and found this page amongst other but none mention the procedure)


Mike Temporale
05-24-2006, 04:06 AM
\\Application Data\Home :wink:

05-24-2006, 05:42 AM

However I tried Start>Setup>Startup screen but can't find them there.

I also tried about every other Start>... options to no avail??

What did I miss?

Rocco Augusto
05-24-2006, 09:39 AM
There is no humor... The fish is crying on the inside - like any clown. The water hides it's tears.

<william shatner voice doing shakespeare>
arent we all? arent....... we... all
</william shatner voice doing shakespeare>

Mike Temporale
05-24-2006, 01:04 PM

However I tried Start>Setup>Startup screen but can't find them there.

I also tried about every other Start>... options to no avail??

What did I miss?

Sorry, what are you trying to do? What are you looking for in the Start menu?

06-02-2006, 07:32 AM
There is no humor... The fish is crying on the inside - like any clown. The water hides it's tears.

anyway, aren't hme files supposed to be installed? if everything in the hme is in working order, just run it via file explorer and youre all set ( i remember installing a few hme homescreens a while back... not really a good idea because they dont show up in the 'add/remove programs' function. better look for cab version of the homescreen you are installing instead, just to make sure ^_^)