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View Full Version : next version of kJAM? CRM Mobile capable?

04-05-2006, 01:25 PM
Hi everyone, I've been browsing this site for years and I FINALLY have a question ;)

I will be using MS CRM 3.0 mobile very soon, I checked the tech specs and it mentioned the following:

- TI 200mhz / Intel 526mhz (minimum)
- 64mb RAM (minimum) .. 128mb recommended

I was going to get a KJam, and it seems to meet the *minimum* requirements. Does anyone know if a newer, beefier kJam is coming soon? I like the full screen with slide-out kb.

Thanks in advance!

imate sp3i

Mike Temporale
04-05-2006, 01:42 PM
I don't know if iMate has any plans for the kJam. They might take it down the same road as the Jam (which has a beefier new model called the Jamin)

You might want to check out our sister site Pocket PC Thoughts (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com) for more talk and chatter on this device.