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View Full Version : New sports GPS software: VITO ActiveTrace

01-20-2006, 12:15 PM
Hello everybody.
VITO Technology has recently released VITO ActiveTrace, full-featured GPS navigation system for sportsmen that supports several sports activities with their specific statistics. VITO ActiveTrace:

- records tracks, displays it on-line
- allows you to set pushpins
- allows you to exchange coordinates with friends
- keeps all the stats of your performance (like min./max./average speed, altitude, acceleration, calories burnt and the like)
- displays these stats on-line while a track is being recorded
- allows you to get the stats for any trip point
- is all you need for unforgettable outdoor experience!

VITO ActiveTrace works on Windows Mobile Pocket PCs/Smartphones ( Windows Mobile 5.0 compatible)

http://vitotechnology.com/img/activetrace1.jpg http://vitotechnology.com/upload/iblock/8cdcd66678aeca15b65b7449cbb0bc44.gif

You can find out more at www.activetrace.com or at http://www.vitotechnology.com/en/products/activetrace.html
We would greatly appreciate your feedback.

01-22-2006, 07:35 PM
Talk about timing! Just when I was looking for something to help me track my marathon training this comes along.
