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View Full Version : File Explorer Offers System Tweak in Windows Mobile 5

Mike Temporale
12-13-2005, 04:00 PM
I was digging around in File Explorer looking for a file the other day, when I noticed that there didn't seem to be the right amount of files in my Windows folder. However, when I browsed the folder from my Laptop, there was a considerable difference. Looking to set things straight, I went digging around the File Explorer for some option to make these visible. Sure enough, I found a check box allowing me to see all the system/hidden/ROM files. But I also found something else...


The switch to storage card feature is interesting, considering the card is inserted under the battery, and thus File Explorer can't be running when the card is inserted. Otherwise, it would have been a cool feature. The best option is the last line "Save temporary files in storage c". I've enabled this option, but I haven't noticed any changes - yet. I don't know what temporary files it's talking about, but it sounds like a worth-while option to me. So I'm going to run with it on for a while. :mrgreen:

12-13-2005, 08:22 PM
I was digging around in File Explorer looking for a file the other day, when I noticed <snip>


The switch to storage card feature is interesting, considering the card is inserted under the battery, and thus File Explorer can't be running when the card is inserted. Otherwise, it would have been a cool feature. The best option is the last line "Save temporary files in storage c". I've enabled this option, but I haven't noticed any changes - yet. I don't know what temporary files it's talking about, but it sounds like a worth-while option to me. So I'm going to run with it on for a while. :mrgreen:See higher up where you refer to "Switch to Storage Card when Inserted" but in the screenshot the "inserted" gets truncated" ?

I suspect that "Save temporary files in Storage c" is actually a truncated version of:

"Save temporary files in Storage cARD" and thus is a means to save space.

Stupid how I can't get the phone to scroll and show all the text though - bad OS design there.

12-13-2005, 09:53 PM
Stupid how I can't get the phone to scroll and show all the text though - bad OS design there.
Microsoft itself has never shipped a file explorer application for the smartphone - it's always been an OEM added application. So I would have to guess that the inability to scroll to the right is a issue with the OEM's code, rather than the OS.

Mike, did you find this on an HTC phone, or something else?

Mike Temporale
12-13-2005, 11:19 PM
See higher up where you refer to "Switch to Storage Card when Inserted" but in the screenshot the "inserted" gets truncated" ?

I suspect that "Save temporary files in Storage c" is actually a truncated version of:

"Save temporary files in Storage cARD" and thus is a means to save space.

I realize that. ;) It was poor attempt at being smart and witty. I guess I should keep my day job, eh?

Mike Temporale
12-13-2005, 11:22 PM
Stupid how I can't get the phone to scroll and show all the text though - bad OS design there.
Microsoft itself has never shipped a file explorer application for the smartphone - it's always been an OEM added application. So I would have to guess that the inability to scroll to the right is a issue with the OEM's code, rather than the OS.

Mike, did you find this on an HTC phone, or something else?

Right, excellent point. This is on the iMate SP5m also know as HTC Tornado Tempo (http://www.geekzone.co.nz/smartdevices.asp?phonemodelid=39) :)

12-14-2005, 12:36 AM
Stupid how I can't get the phone to scroll and show all the text though - bad OS design there.
Microsoft itself has never shipped a file explorer application for the smartphone - it's always been an OEM added application. So I would have to guess that the inability to scroll to the right is a issue with the OEM's code, rather than the OS.

Mike, did you find this on an HTC phone, or something else?

To clarify - not correct mate.

The device or rather the OS referred to for this discovery, is the SmartPhone version of WM5.0 (I have an SP5, the author has, I think, an SP5m - HTC Tornado device to be specific)

And whilst they are technically speaking, still made by third party companies and coders, the File Explorer, and indeed the Caller ID photo support, is now part of the OS Kernel for WM5.0 - albeit, in truth, coded as I say by third party developers.

But done so, on behalf and FOR Micrososft, for them to release as the base OS for these devices - NOT like prior versions of WM2003 and 2003SE etc - this is marked shift in things, how MS are incorporating some third party apps and code into the base OS itself now. They are not add on applications that a user needs to install themselves, or can remove seperately - they are part of the base OS code now.

So even if HTC, in its guise as having bought out IA Style who used to make most of these add ons, is responsible for the File Explorer App, it does so on behalf of MS, PRIOR to ROM coding of the OS, not afterwards as third party add on. So MS themselves have 'signed off' on the File Explorer as being correct and working etc.

Responsibility, in the already convoluted chain of developer, network operator, manufacturer, OS provider scheme of things, is actually therefore still with MS themselves on this one.

But this is a very minor flaw - I only wrote this long post to shed some light on a few changes to WM5.0 and the way it is put together etc.

12-14-2005, 12:43 AM
See higher up where you refer to "Switch to Storage Card when Inserted" but in the screenshot the "inserted" gets truncated" ?

I suspect that "Save temporary files in Storage c" is actually a truncated version of:

"Save temporary files in Storage cARD" and thus is a means to save space.

I realize that. ;) It was poor attempt at being smart and witty. I guess I should keep my day job, eh?

Nope - not at all. It was a find I myself had not even spotted til I saw your post... and I have spotted pretty much most of them.

It was me that wprked out the 4MB free to send an MMS limitation, the day after the phone was available in the UK, and worked out what was wrong with the O2 UK i-mate cab settings file, and how to fix it etc.

So I spot a fair few things.

I had not spotted this one though - very hand methinks, on a phone with an OS such as WM5.0 that is so 'full' and 'lacking free space out of the box' compared to previous Windows SmartPhones.

After a full reset, my phone has only 13MB free storage.

Do an Outlook Sync, add maybe two apps at most, and see that figure fall right down to only 7-8MB max free Storage - EVERYTHING is on my 1GB Mini-SD card, and still the phone has no free storage memory.

Miles different to my old E200 and C500 devices.

So every littel find such as your own is all the more important with WM5.0 and its memory issues!

Well done mate.

12-14-2005, 10:40 AM
Shadamehr is here! :)