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View Full Version : Oversized Antennas - Cingular 2125 & T-Mobile SDA Compared

Mike Temporale
12-08-2005, 06:00 PM
I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Cingular 2125 to take a good look at that hump that so many of you are upset about. I was also lucky enough to get my hands on a T-Mobile SDA with hump. Personally, I don't like the look. While I'm sure it offers some increased reception, I find that my i-mate SP5m does very well without the extra antenna. Regardless, the US carriers appear to be on the extra antenna kick. Take a look at the pictures below and let us know your thoughts.

http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareAllTop.jpg (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareAllTop-L.jpg)
Figure 1: If there is a hump size difference, it's pretty small. At least it's nothing that I could really notice. From left to right - Cingular 2125, T-Mobile SDA, i-mate SP5m.

http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareAllFull.jpg (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareAllFull-L.jpg)
Figure 2: The Cingular 2125 hump looks smaller because of the two-tone colour design. I think it fools your eyes and makes it look smaller, but once you hold it beside the T-Mobile, they are the same.

http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareCing2125Top.jpg (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareCing2125Top-L.jpg)
Figure 3: The two-tone colouring of the device combined with the gentle curve fools your eye into making you think the hump is smaller than it is.

http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareCing2125TopSide.jpg (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareCing2125TopSide-L.jpg)
Figure 4: The true height of the hump.

http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareSDATop.jpg (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareSDATop-L.jpg)
Figure 5: The T-Mobile SDA doesn't hide the hump as well. It has a more boxy look and feel.

http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareSDATopSide.jpg (http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20051207-CompareSDATopSide-L.jpg)
Figure 6: Without the gentle bends that Cingular has, the T-Mobile version appears larger and has a rougher look to it.

12-08-2005, 06:07 PM
Hi Mike,

Is this really going to be released on Monday, December 12th? There's a lot of people in different forums saying that it won't get released until Jan 2006. Even some B2B sales people does not see it happening aslo this Monday.

What are your thoughts?


Jerry Raia
12-08-2005, 06:11 PM
The hump just doesn't bother me at all. If I like this phone when I see it I will probably end up getting it.

12-08-2005, 06:13 PM

1. When is T-mobile releasing the SDA??

2. So the reception on the T-mobile and SP5m are the same??

12-08-2005, 07:26 PM
if the hump means better reception - Hooah for the hump - I say...

I would really love to know when T-mo plans on releasing this. I have seen nothing about this out there anywhere. Anyone?

Mike Temporale
12-08-2005, 07:38 PM
Is this really going to be released on Monday, December 12th?

No idea. All I know is the tip that we got in. So far, the source has proved to be in the know. Outside of that, I have no way to verify anything.

12-08-2005, 07:38 PM

12-08-2005, 07:41 PM
I'm all for the hump as well. Forget about Wednesday - every day can be "hump day!"

These close up photos are great, however I'm a little concerned that on the Cingular model the silver portion of the hump seems to be slapped/grafted on.

How does that translate to the build quality? stability of the unit? and longtime use/looks of the phone?

I guess we'll have to wait and see.

PS. I too will buy this phone on Monday from my local Cingular store - that is, if it's actually released on that day. :?

Mike Temporale
12-08-2005, 07:43 PM
So the reception on the T-mobile and SP5m are the same??

I have no numbers to prove anything. However, that is the line that is used to explain the hump. I would love to see the numbers. :?

12-08-2005, 07:48 PM
Looks like Cingular totally neutered the phone. I probably won't get it.

Though I'd love to have it. I can't really see a reason to get it. If you have a SMT5600 what's the point.

I don't wanna migrate for it...it isn't dazzling enough to migrate. Now a HSDPA smartphone yes.

I keep going back and forth but I'm pretty close to no on the issue seing how Cingulars phone looks stoopid in the button area and the others look kewl.

The t-mobile looks more like the SP5m than the 2125.

I want the SP5m but I can't see spending over 500 for a phone. That I can't do.

12-08-2005, 07:55 PM
The phone is still faster, better than the SMT-5600, hump and all.
But if you're a smartphone newbie....and you can get an SMT-5600 for dirt cheap....I would go that route.

12-08-2005, 08:07 PM
Looks like Cingular totally neutered the phone. I probably won't get it.

Though I'd love to have it. I can't really see a reason to get it. If you have a SMT5600 what's the point.

I don't wanna migrate for it...it isn't dazzling enough to migrate. Now a HSDPA smartphone yes.

I keep going back and forth but I'm pretty close to no on the issue seing how Cingulars phone looks stoopid in the button area and the others look kewl.

The t-mobile looks more like the SP5m than the 2125.

I want the SP5m but I can't see spending over 500 for a phone. That I can't do.

I agree that the phone doesn't have the multimedia buttons of the T-Mobile and SP5m, but I think neutered is a bit strong.

I currently have the SMT5600 and use WMP every day on my commute to and from work and would like to have buttons for FF, etc. However, I think the buttons, while practicle in shape and layout on the two 'media enhanced' phones are just too cluttered or out of place.

I would have liked HTC to design the muiltimedia buttons a little more like the keypad buttons or some other way. To me they look out of place on the phone.

I'm going to upgrade to the 2125 for several reasons. 1. I've had the SMT5600 for 2 years now and need an upgrade; 2. I want WM2005; 3. I like that it does or will have support for Bluetooth stereo; 3. I like that when I travel to NY I can potentially have better reception or reception in locations I didn't before.

12-08-2005, 08:12 PM
The phone is still faster, better than the SMT-5600, hump and all.
But if you're a smartphone newbie....and you can get an SMT-5600 for dirt cheap....I would go that route.

Is the phone really faster? I've read that it is slower at loading applications, etc???

Also, I think the specs say that it has a 200Mhz processor and the ROM shows it's operating at 195MHz.

If that's the case the processor is running, I think, at the same 'speed' as the SMT5600 - just a newer version of CPU.

The SMT5600 has served me well for the past 2 years and will get handed down to a co-worker when I upgrade. It's a good phone, but for me it's a little long in the tooth.


12-08-2005, 08:32 PM

Nice pics, ugly humps.

Do you know if the screen angle has been improoved:


12-08-2005, 08:32 PM
Yea, I checked it out a little more:

The Audiovox SMT5600 uses the TI OMAP 730 processor @ 200MHz
The HTC Faraday/Cingular 2125 uses the TI OMAP processor @ 200MHz (although remember seeing a screenshot of a 2125? which showed the processor speed at 195MHz)

It appears that the OMAP 850 adds hooks for Edge as well as Wi-Fi networking.

From looking at the TI website, it appears that both the processors are using the same ARM core, the ARM926 - and to my understanding, that would make the two processors run at the same speed.

I'd love to know more details, so if anyone has that information, I'd be happy to hear about it!


12-08-2005, 08:37 PM
Quasimodo and his brother!

By the way, is Quasimodo a lighter color than the SMT 5600? it looks pale in comparison. Also I am interested in knowing about the screen issue.

Rocco Augusto
12-08-2005, 08:38 PM
The phone is still faster, better than the SMT-5600, hump and all.
But if you're a smartphone newbie....and you can get an SMT-5600 for dirt cheap....I would go that route.

Is the phone really faster? I've read that it is slower at loading applications, etc???

Also, I think the specs say that it has a 200Mhz processor and the ROM shows it's operating at 195MHz.

If that's the case the processor is running, I think, at the same 'speed' as the SMT5600 - just a newer version of CPU.

The SMT5600 has served me well for the past 2 years and will get handed down to a co-worker when I upgrade. It's a good phone, but for me it's a little long in the tooth.


the 2125 appears to be running faster than the 5600 does. i happened to get my hands on one to play with that one of my reps got to test out. with it i did a hard reset on the 2125 and one of my 5600's and installed the same programs on both:

-Smart Explorer

On both phones the 2125 opened all programs faster and booted twice as fast. While the processor speeds might be the same the 2125 still runs a lot faster and smoother. My guess is Microsoft just worked out a lot of the kinks in the Smartphone version of their operating system to make everything run more efficiently and smoothly.

All and all the 2125 is a solid phone. I really wasn't sure of it due to the lack of wifi and the mysterious hump but once you play with the phone you really dont notice the hump and i think my girlfriend is getting me a pocketpc with wifi so i wont need the wifi on my phone anymore. yay for christmas!

12-08-2005, 08:42 PM
It also has double the RAM... and for all we know it could have faster RAM which would certainly lead to faster load times, etc.

12-08-2005, 10:42 PM
So is the hump a benefit or just another buldge in your pocket. I would love to see if there is a benefit to the extra antena. 8O

Kris Kumar
12-09-2005, 12:56 AM
I definitely like the 2125's hump better than SDA's hump. :lol: Can't believe I said that, what is this? A hump beauty contest?

Jerry Raia
12-09-2005, 01:07 AM
I definitely like the 2125's hump better than SDA's hump. :lol: Can't believe I said that, what is this? A hump beauty contest?

Now there is an idea! :lol:

Kris Kumar
12-09-2005, 01:51 AM
It's all thanks to Mike's choice of words: gentle curves, two-tone colors, boxy, gentle bends :lol:

12-09-2005, 01:53 AM
In the world of phones....we should feel lucky that we're not being offered phones that Verizon puts out with 1-1/2" antennas sticking out of the top.

But when it comes to GSM phones...I always thought that those types of antennas were not necessary.

As stated before...the same phone without the antenna works just fine and gets great reception under 850.

I remember when I had TMobile and 1900 in my area...I couldnt use the phone in my home. maybe this takes care of those problems for those of you who are unfortunate enough to need to use TMobile.

For those debating about getting this phone or sticking with their SMT-5600.....dont forget that this phone is EDGE Compatible. Faster internet and email downloading is very nice.

Kris Kumar
12-09-2005, 02:46 AM
the same phone without the antenna works just fine and gets great reception under 850.

For the benefit of our readers, I remember someone had long long time ago explained the key advantage of 850Mhz over 1900Mhz.

850Mhz because of the shorter wavelength can find its way into homes and buildings, basically get reflected around obstacles.

But 1900Mhz because of the longer wavelength has trouble getting reflected and getting into our homes and buildings.

T-Mobile is exclusively on 1900. Cingular has 850 and 1900. ;-)

12-09-2005, 03:26 AM
In my area it is exclusively 1900.

Most phones I have used had crappy reception, but the SMT 5600 has flawless reception.

I don't see the need for the hump. and if it was necessary why don't use a more discreete antenna like the Treo?

12-09-2005, 05:57 AM
without wifi - hump or no hump - i'm not getting it. as much as i'm in the airports around the globe these days, wifi is a big deal to me. i-mate k-jam or the Qtek 9100 is what i'll get (as soon as the price drops a little more)...

Mike Temporale
12-09-2005, 08:13 AM
Do you know if the screen angle has been improoved:


Sorry, I didn't get that much time with the device, so I wasn't able to check this out. :(

12-09-2005, 08:28 PM
I just spoke with an advanced technical support person at T-Mobile USA who told me that the MDA was due to be released in late February. His in house memo did not mention the SDA, oh well.

Rocco Augusto
12-10-2005, 12:28 AM
So is the hump a benefit or just another buldge in your pocket... 8O

wouldnt the buldge in your pocket be the benefit? ;)

12-10-2005, 02:28 AM

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Jerry Raia
12-10-2005, 02:54 AM
A picture is worth a thousand words!

They both look good to me :)

Sven Johannsen
12-10-2005, 04:03 AM
850Mhz because of the shorter wavelength can find its way into homes and buildings, basically get reflected around obstacles.

But 1900Mhz because of the longer wavelength has trouble getting reflected and getting into our homes and buildings.
Got the gist right, but the details wrong. 850MHz has a longer wavelength than 1900MHz. Longer wave lengths suffer less from absorption, but take more power to do distance. Shorter waves, higher frequencies, get absorbed faster, by buildings, people, etc. but takes less power to travel unfettered distance. Think of light as very high frequency and very short wave. Travels far, but gets blocked easily.

12-10-2005, 12:51 PM
A picture is worth a thousand words!

They both look good to me :)

To me the hump one looks like it has a hunchback on the head.

12-10-2005, 12:59 PM
Here is something I posted on another topic that is relevant.

It is on why good looking phones like the RAZR will beat Quasimodo hands down in sales and how Quasimodo will hurt the Smartphone market (Providers will blame low sales on the OS and not on the ugliness of the phone)

If Cingular or T-mo had choosent the SP5 instead of their "Humpphones" the smartphones on the US could stand a good chance against the Razr. (And no I am not talking about SP5's wi-fi, average people don't even know what that is).

People will continue to buy phones for their looks does not matter what they have inside, and that will dictate the market.

I consider that the SP5 is as beautiful as the Razr and could be a great contender on looks alone but why Cingular and T-Mo choosed the ugliest Smartphones available is beyond me.

I will definitely be getting a Razar, first for looks. I don't want a "HumpPhone", second the Java Games I am a hardcore gamer and definitely Java is the way to go for me.

I love the looks of the SP5 and I consider it is on par with the Razr but unfortunately an unlocked phones is cost prohibitive for me so I have to buy what Cingular carries and it will be between the cool looking Razor or the HumpPhone.

San Fermin
12-10-2005, 11:08 PM
What's with the the Cingular 2125?

I checked Cingular's website this morning and the 2125 was listed. -- $299 with a 2yr. contract. Stopped by my local Cingular store and they didn't know anything about a release date.

Checked again, and the 2125 is now NOT listed... Did they sell out, or was the first listing a mistake?

Hmmm,, checked my IE history cache, pulled up the page and added the phone to my cart...

BTW - with a hump - without WIFI

Jerry Raia
12-10-2005, 11:25 PM
This has happened before. When I was waiting for the 6515 it was on the web site then off. The stores had gotten them but couldn't sell them yet because they weren't in their system. My guess is it coming rather soon to the stores.

12-11-2005, 02:59 AM
i was noticing in the pictures of the new 2125 that the 2 small holes right by the camera button, for the speaker, like on my SMT5600 are gone. then i see that the new hump appears to have a grill like front. does this mean that the speaker has been moved to the hump pointing towards you when you hold it? if so, does this make it sound better when using the speakerphone or playing music etc?

Jerry Raia
12-11-2005, 06:25 PM
Its on the Cingular site for Los Angeles now.