View Full Version : how to get google mobile maps onto smt 5600?
It says that we need a Java enabled browser to use the new google feature.
Which browser, how much and how to do it? :?:
Kris Kumar
11-08-2005, 04:53 AM
You can try from the browser on your Smartphone. This will not require Java.
that's what is great about 'this' forum :!:
Jerry Raia
11-09-2005, 05:07 PM
Your phone will run this app with java. Go to on your 5600 and you're all set. I'm running it right now on my 5600.
Yours, Mikes and the other readers comments are very informative and helpful.
Bob :lol:
Mike Temporale
11-09-2005, 07:26 PM
Yours, Mikes and the other readers comments are very informative and helpful.
Bob :lol:
Wow! I didn't even suggest anything. Thanks! ;)
I think you mean Kris in this case, but I'm not complaining. :lol:
Jerry Raia
11-09-2005, 07:32 PM
Mike would have posted but he is too busy.......
Mike Temporale
11-09-2005, 08:14 PM
Mike would have posted but he is too busy.......
Kris Kumar
11-09-2005, 10:11 PM
I haven't been able to download and install the java craplet. I select the model for download, and then I see this Java application trying to download a file (some MIDlet or something like that) then it gets stuck.
I will have to stick with the regular browser version.
Mike, I bet you can enjoy the maps better with your QVGA resolution and WiFi.
Jerry Raia
11-09-2005, 10:21 PM
Mike, I bet you can enjoy the maps better with your QVGA resolution and WiFi.
Kris, please don't encourage him. He is already delirious and unreachable. :lol:
Mike Temporale
11-09-2005, 11:20 PM
Mike, I bet you can enjoy the maps better with your QVGA resolution and WiFi.
Kris, please don't encourage him. He is already delirious and unreachable. :lol:
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
You have no idea how much better EVERYTHING looks on QVGA.
Jerry Raia
11-09-2005, 11:22 PM
You have no idea how much better EVERYTHING looks on QVGA.
Oh look who came up for air! Just to rub salt in the wounds! :twisted:
Mike Temporale
11-09-2005, 11:27 PM
who me? :worried:
Jerry Raia
11-09-2005, 11:31 PM
If you change your Avie to that phone. Kris and I are walking. :!:
11-16-2005, 01:18 AM
Anyone get "An unknown error occured" once the file finishes downloading from google? Getting that on my SMT5600 :?
Kris Kumar
11-16-2005, 01:37 AM
I think that is what I am getting. First it seems like the Java VM is trying to download the applet. And it fails during the download and then reports the error you mentioned. I havent been able to get rid of it. :-(
11-16-2005, 01:56 AM
Really? What is this about Java? I download it from Pocket IE . . . is there a stop I am missing at all?
Kris Kumar
11-16-2005, 02:21 AM
When you click on the link shown in the pocket IE for downloading the application. A Java midlet/applet/some-let is downloaded and the Java virtual machine that comes pre-installed takes over from pocket IE and tries to install the midlet/applet/some-let. And that is where I am stuck. :-(
The Google Local Mobile is a Java application that get downloaded thru pIE but runs inside the Java (VM) application on the Smartphone.
Jerry Raia
11-16-2005, 02:26 AM
Conflict of some kind? It worked fine for me on my 5600.
Your phone will run this app with java. Go to on your 5600 and you're all set. I'm running it right now on my 5600.
I tried this, approved the download, it says downloading, but then I end up at a blank screen with the title "Java Apps". WHen I push the "Recent" button nothing happens, and when I press any of the "Menu" choices, also nothing happens.
I cannot find the app in the phone's Start Menu.
How do I access this app now?
Kris Kumar
11-25-2005, 10:09 PM
I cannot find the app in the phone's Start Menu.
If it installed properly (a big if) then you will not find it under the Start Menu. From the Start Menu select "Java" and then you should see the Google Local listed inside of the Java Apps. Select it to execute the program.
But I am guessing that you ran into the same problem I did. The program never installed properly. :-(
Jerry Raia
11-26-2005, 02:18 AM
It installed for me and I have no idea why. Conflict of some kind? It's the only Java app I have.
It turns out, as with others, that the app never really downloaded on my SMT-5600.
So I tried another tack. I downloaded the file on my PC, at
I transferred the file to the Smartphone, and executed the file from there. It installed. Now I see the app "Google Local" when I execute "Java" under "Accessories" in the Start Menu.
When I execute the app, it looks like it is starting. Title bar that says "Google Local", and the word "Loading" appears several times on the page.
However, it always says "loading", that never stops. And if I press the Softkey for "Menu", I don't see any menus, basically nothing happens.
The other softkey says "Zoom". I click it, and get the message "no more zoom levels". I never see a map or aerial video, and can never get a menu, no way to access any command.
What's going on? Has anyone actually got this program to work?
Jerry Raia
11-26-2005, 08:11 AM
This is bizzare, it works fine on my 5600 (Cingular).
Kris Kumar
11-26-2005, 01:25 PM
This is bizzare, it works fine on my 5600 (Cingular).
You are the only one who has it working. :lol: Now that's bizzare. :rotfl:
Kris Kumar
11-26-2005, 01:35 PM
So I tried another tack. I downloaded the file on my PC, at
Awesome workaround. :D Really awesome.
But I am getting the same results. The app just says "loading..." :-(
This is bizzare, it works fine on my 5600 (Cingular).
You are the only one who has it working. :lol: Now that's bizzare. :rotfl:
Well then, we have to find out what is different about Jerry's SMT5600, that makes it work on his and not ours! :lol:
Since he writes (Cingular), I assume he has a unit made for CIngular, not one made for ATT and unlocked, such as I and many have. Of course the units made for Cingular are newer, perhaps there is some change in the Java version. I'm not sure where to look that up. It might be instructive to look at the version number for Java on Jerry's phone, and on one of the phones for which this program doesn't work.
A little OT, but related: I tried another Java program yesterday on my SMT5600, with similar problems--Opera Mini. I tried several times to download it directly to the phone, as one is supposed to, always without success. Then I downloaded it to the PC, and transferred to the phone, and executed it. It installed. When I start the program, unlike Google Maps, it does start, to its intro page. But I can't get it to do anything from there-certainly not go to any web sites, I can't even get an address bar. Has anyone got Opera Mini to work on their SMT5600? (So far I only tried the "hifi" version, I may try the "lofi" version next.)
Kris Kumar
11-26-2005, 06:19 PM
Just noticed that when I launch the app. I dont see the GPRS connection sign.
I believe the Java apps are not able to access the Internet.
Mike Temporale
11-26-2005, 07:12 PM
Just noticed that when I launch the app. I dont see the GPRS connection sign.
I believe the Java apps are not able to access the Internet.
Or it can't initiate the connection. If you open the connection first (using IE or mail) and then try the app, what happens?
Kris Kumar
11-26-2005, 07:56 PM
Just noticed that when I launch the app. I dont see the GPRS connection sign.
I believe the Java apps are not able to access the Internet.
Or it can't initiate the connection. If you open the connection first (using IE or mail) and then try the app, what happens?
Tried that too. Same thing. :-(
Jerry Raia
11-26-2005, 08:11 PM
I had to check on my Cingular 5600 again just to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. It connected (initiating the connection itself) through GPRS and there was a map. It was quick too. This is very puzzling.
Kris Kumar
11-26-2005, 08:23 PM
I have an explanation. At least for my scenario. Jerry, you are not hallucinating. :-)
This quote is straight from the Google FAQ. (
Which phones does Google Local for mobile support?
Local for mobile works with most Java-enabled (J2ME) mobile phones, especially those purchased within the past year; this includes phones offered by Cingular and Sprint. At this time, Local for mobile doesn't support BREW-enabled phones (e.g. Verizon, Alltel, U.S. Cellular), Nextel phones, Blackberry devices or Palm devices. To see whether the application will work on your phone, simply visit and answer a few questions about your mobile phone. Note: We have temporarily removed access to Local for mobile for users of the T-Mobile network. We are working closely with T-Mobile to quickly restore availability. Check back soon. :x :evil: :roll:
Jerry Raia
11-26-2005, 08:34 PM
Maybe Google should just stick to searching and forget all this other BETA stuff. Beyond searching all they have are half baked ideas. :roll:
Rocco Augusto
11-27-2005, 01:00 AM
Maybe Google should just stick to searching and forget all this other BETA stuff. Beyond searching all they have are half baked ideas. :roll:
yes but that means the insides are still nice and gooey like cookie dough.... mmmmmmmmmmmm.... cookie dough
Mike Temporale
11-27-2005, 02:44 AM
Actually, it's just another example of how Google is trying to make sure that they know what your looking at. This helps them better tune their search results because they know your viewing habits. But that's something for another thread, like this one --> ;)
I have an explanation. At least for my scenario. Jerry, you are not hallucinating. :-)
This quote is straight from the Google FAQ. (
Which phones does Google Local for mobile support?
Local for mobile works with most Java-enabled (J2ME) mobile phones, especially those purchased within the past year; this includes phones offered by Cingular and Sprint. At this time, Local for mobile doesn't support BREW-enabled phones (e.g. Verizon, Alltel, U.S. Cellular), Nextel phones, Blackberry devices or Palm devices. To see whether the application will work on your phone, simply visit and answer a few questions about your mobile phone. Note: We have temporarily removed access to Local for mobile for users of the T-Mobile network. We are working closely with T-Mobile to quickly restore availability. Check back soon. :x :evil: :roll:
Well, the T-Mobile Network thing could explain some of us (me, for example), but I don't know if everyone who has had trouble is on T-Mobile. (I'm surprised the network would make a difference, any more than which ISP you use would make a difference for a desktop program that connects to the Internet. Perhaps with phones locked to T-Mobile, as that affects the software. But for those of us using an unlocked SMT5600, why would there be a difference whether one is connected via Cingular GPRS or T-Mobile GPRS?) I don't know if everyone reporting problems are T-Mobile users though.
I suspect it might have to do with the Java version, therefore the statement about phones released in the last year. Does the Cingular SMT5600 have a newer version of Java than the ATT SMT5600?
Rocco Augusto
11-27-2005, 08:45 PM
only reason i can think it would matter is if google used certain ports in their software to download the maps for you to view. t-mobile blocks a bunch of ports to prevent their users from doing things like streaming video and music which is why i can no longer use orb media :evil:... yes i know i work for cingular and i should have a cingular plan but im still locked in a contract with t-mobile :lol:
Kris Kumar
11-27-2005, 09:29 PM
I think it is possible for Google to block requests from T-Mobile. We all use or as the access point. It is very easy for the Google server firewalls to drop our requests. :-)
Why would they do that? As Mike suggested. Maybe they are waiting to have the 18-wheeler data warehouse dropped right outside the T-Mobile headquarters. ;-) So that they can analyze data generated by T-Mobile customers. And maybe, just maybe, the T-Mobile bigwigs have not yet agreed to it. Hence the block. And Cingular and Sprint (the carriers officially supported by Google) have probably agreed to those Google data centers. Just a thought. ;-)
Another thing I noticed. Is that I cant seem to get the Google search working. In pocket IE, try and try hitting the search button. The page stays stuck in the loading mode. Sounds familiar, eh! :-) I am sure this a T-Mobile feature too. ;-)
11-28-2005, 02:46 AM
Works fine on my SMT5600. It is one of the older ATT 5600s, unlocked (and also application unlocked - dont know if that makes a diff or not).
Now running on Cingular on a Cingular plan.
I downloaded and installed no problems. Works great. Finding where it was installed took a while (Start, more, more, accessories, Java, Google Local). Then look and see running apps before trying to start it again.
Works in general well (bit of a memory hog). very impressive. (would be better on QVGA...).
Initially I was confused with but the difference is very clear once the Java app is running.
My thoughts overall are though, this needs another generation of phones
a) to have heaps of resources to run these things well
b) Most importantly, MIcrosoft need to improve the user interface so one can more elegantly use Java apps. It isn't as easy as it should be.
Kris Kumar
11-28-2005, 03:04 AM
b) Most importantly, MIcrosoft need to improve the user interface so one can more elegantly use Java apps. It isn't as easy as it should be.
Microsoft may not be interested in further improvement. ;-)
The Java container application that runs the Google Local is provided by the Smartphone manufacturers. It is not provided by Microsoft. It is provided as a sort of backward compatibility. Carriers have invested in hosting a lot of Java based apps. And they would like those programs to be able to run on the Microsoft Smartphones.
Microsoft would prefer more native Smartphone applications.
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