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View Full Version : How ofter do you use your phone's camera???

08-31-2005, 12:00 AM
As I stated in another thread...I would NEVER buy a phone without a camera...but I very rarely use it. I like having it JUST IN CASE there is a photo op that can't be missed. But I must lead a boring life because I barely have any of those. At least not without my real camera.

Though the other day I went onto a 7-Eleven to buy a soda and a CheeseBurger Dog, or whatever they are called. After paying I went to put some onions on it at the condiment bar and there were these FLYING GNATS all over the relish, onions, peppers, etc. Hundered of them where I needed to take a double-take and focus in as I initially thought it was parsley or something else that was supposed to be mixed in.

I was so grossed out and ready to barf that I threw the thing away and vowed never to return.

When I pointed it out to the store attendant who may have only been in this counrtry for about a week (Whilst he goes to flying school....just kidding, I know that was wrong!...it was a joke! I just watched a documentary on 911!) He merely said..."yes, I know, sorry." In a way like...."what do you want me to do about it?!"

The moral of the story...."I should have snagged a photo or video while I had the chance and posted it on the net!"

There's also always the ocassional hot chick at the mall that I'd like to get a picture of...but I'm not sneaky enough to pull that off. I'd get arrested as a pervert or her UFC Fighting boyfriend would be behind me.

But I almost never use the camera. Must make it a point to do so more often. Even if the quaility stinks.

How about you?


Mike Temporale
08-31-2005, 01:09 AM
Yeah, I would agree. The camera is a nice to have, but I hardly ever use it. I snap a couple pictures here and there, but in reality they are just pictures for me to toy with the camera. For the most part, they aren't anything meaningful.

I should try and take more pictures. Perhaps one a day. I should be able to find something interesting to take a picture of each day, right?

Sven Johannsen
08-31-2005, 05:07 PM
I should try and take more pictures. Perhaps one a day. I should be able to find something interesting to take a picture of each day, right?

Take a picture of yourself each day. At the end of the year, turn them into an animated gif and use it as your avatar :)

Same boat here. Rarely take pictures with my phone. I have heard some unique uses here though. snapping the location sign at a big parking lot to remember where you put it. Snapping the license of the rental car for the hotel registration (they're not always on the keys). I use my PPC and Notes to scrawl these down now. Be simpler and faster to snap a pic, I guess.

I'm one of those that would prefer the camera not be there. I go places it can't go.

08-31-2005, 11:11 PM
I thought the same before I got this phone - being my first ever camera phone.

But I was wrong. Since I got the phone in May, I snapped 88 pictures with it. Most of them are about my 10 year old son. Some of them are just spur of the moment thing, like interesting cloud formation. They do not always turn out pretty or interesting, but I'm glad I took them. I wish it had a faster shutter speed though, because I find the pictures blurry.