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View Full Version : more help needed!!

08-11-2005, 12:37 PM
1. Tried Zacman yesterday but, the program worked fine but everytime i went to the home screen the start button would 'jam' this was only rectified by deleteing the program.

2. i'm having real problem downloading .cab files(sorry no probs downloading, opening is a better way of of putting it)
I've tried airfagev freeware - cubis-pacmanfreeware to name but a few.

when i transfer them to my phone the show in my storage menu with the
spalsh id icon and it instantly transfers my to the splash id program.

Can anyone help

Thanks in adavance

Mike Temporale
08-11-2005, 02:09 PM
i'm having real problem downloading .cab files(sorry no probs downloading, opening is a better way of of putting it)
I've tried airfagev freeware - cubis-pacmanfreeware to name but a few.

when i transfer them to my phone the show in my storage menu with the
spalsh id icon and it instantly transfers my to the splash id program.

Eek! SplashID has associated itself with CAB files?! That's not good. I don't know if there is anyway to change a file association on the Smartphone. You might be able to edit the registry, but that's only a guess. Personally, I would remove SplashID. Then again, I never really cared for it anyway. ;)

Mike Temporale
08-11-2005, 02:11 PM
BTW, you might find that more people would read your post if the subject was a little more descriptive than "more help needed" ;) Maybe something like "Problems opening CAB files" would get more attention. Just a suggestion. :)

08-11-2005, 03:38 PM
oh dear i take it your not joking about the deleting of splash id?

Many thanks for the tip i keep that in mind.