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View Full Version : MPx220 Bluetooth ActiveSync re-setup - reinstall driver necessary

08-10-2005, 06:27 PM
For performance reasons I reformatted the hard drive on my laptop and reinstalled all of my applications and files successfully. Everything worked great except for MPx220 ActiveSync via Bluetooth. ActiveSync via the USB cable worked fine.

I found that I needed to reinstall the SmartPhone 2002 Wireless USB Modem Driver. Begin with the Motorola System Update (1.430) tool http://direct.motorola.com/ens/softwareupdate.asp Installing this driver is the very first step required by the update tool.

If you have previously updated the system software on your phone you will still need to reinstall this driver if you removed it as I did. After reinstalling the driver, the System Update Tool will realize that your phone already has the latest software and will quit. ActiveSync via Bluetooth will now work fine.

I spent a great deal of time on this and maybe this note will save someone some time.

Sven Johannsen
08-10-2005, 08:19 PM
I believe you, but that shouldn't be required. This would imply that BT sync depends on the modem driver being installed on the partner PC. That wasn't the case for either my MPX220 or SMT5600. Neither of their distribution CDs was even opened, so such a driver couldn't have been loaded incidentally. Both worked fine with just the AS installation that was on my desktop, with both USB and BT. The modem driver should only be needed if you want to use the MPX220 as a modem for your laptop/desktop via a USB cable, or if you are using the update tool. Shouldn't have anything to do with BT, so it's odd that it fixed your problem.

08-10-2005, 08:27 PM
I agree with you. Not sure why it worked, why the driver should matter or if it was the driver which actually solved my problem. I spent so much time trying many fixes including several times starting from scratch. Nothing worked until I installed that driver.

Mike Temporale
08-10-2005, 09:20 PM
I'm glad to hear you got things working. However, I have to agree that it's a little odd that the modem driver solved things. I can't see any reason why this would work. :?

08-11-2005, 03:13 AM
I have always found that when you create a new partnership that you must do a sucessful USB sync first before you do a BT sync. If I don't I can't get BT sync to work. I think when you do that inital USB sync it sends information to open the incomming COM ports on the phone.