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07-24-2005, 08:32 PM

just some, hopefully easy question

1. What software can i use to crop pictures not taken by my sda (want to use them as ahome screen

2. how do i tell when i go to file manager what is my falsh storage and what isnt

3.. when downloading application's/software from the net some files i think .cab i cant download any pointers

thanks in advance

Mike Temporale
07-25-2005, 01:25 AM
1. What software can i use to crop pictures not taken by my sda (want to use them as ahome screen

Photoshop or any image editing application should do fine.

2. how do i tell when i go to file manager what is my falsh storage and what isnt

Anything under \Storage Card\ is your flash card. Wait a second... This only applies if you're running Windows Mobile 2003 or newer. Before that it was something like ISPM, or IS something or other. ;)

3.. when downloading application's/software from the net some files i think .cab i cant download any pointers

Cab files are installers that are meant to be run from the phone. So if you have one on your desktop, just copy it across to the phone and then run it. :)

Hope that helps. :mrgreen:

07-28-2005, 08:04 AM
many thanks:

re: no1 - should of thought of that.
re: no 2- sorry maybe im misunderstanding your ansewr
but if you go to task manager, then system info the memory is split into 3 different catergories
Storage memory
program memory
storage flash
so if i wanted to increase my storage flash memory or my program memory how doi i figure out what programs go to what part of the memory.

re: no 3 thanks

Mike Temporale
07-28-2005, 10:39 AM
re: no 2- sorry maybe im misunderstanding your ansewr
but if you go to task manager, then system info the memory is split into 3 different catergories
Storage memory
program memory
storage flash
so if i wanted to increase my storage flash memory or my program memory how doi i figure out what programs go to what part of the memory.

You don't. The only control you have over memory is when you are installing an application it asks if it should be installed to "phone" or "Storage card". That's it. There is no slide bar like the Pocket PC where you can change how the RAM is allocated. :)