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View Full Version : Listening to Radio on your Smartphone

07-23-2005, 11:41 PM
I have been listening to internet radio on and off for a while now, but I've been listening to stations like Virgin Radio.

I wanted to listen to local Philadelphia stations and gave a few of their websites a try. Many offer online listening but normally thru a pop-up player. But they still are using a browser version of WMP.

So I went into my Temporary Internet files and found the ASX files they use. Copied them to my favorites on my phone and now I can listen to local stations!!!! NICE!

Also, I'm using a little app called BlueTunes that allows you to listen to WMP thru your BT Headset, so I also have wireless radio with my phone in my pocket. NICE!! :D

Here is my local AM News Channel - KYW-1060am News Radio.

Mike Temporale
07-24-2005, 01:29 AM
I've heard that the sound quailty using BlueTunes isn't that good. How do you find it?

07-24-2005, 01:35 AM
Are we talking about the same BlueTunes? I'm using the one that disables the cdial.exe process allowing you to listen to the phone's audio via a BT headset. So the app has nothing to do with the quality.

But back to the quality......eh!
Doesnt sound that great. Reminds me of listening to a transistor radio. But for talk radio and news....it's just fone. But for music...it's good in a pinch when I dont have my wired headset with me.

I also have been listening to XM radio via http://www.xstreamxm.com

Mostly Opie & Anthony! :)

Mike Temporale
07-24-2005, 02:13 AM
Are we talking about the same BlueTunes? I'm using the one that disables the cdial.exe process allowing you to listen to the phone's audio via a BT headset. So the app has nothing to do with the quality.

Sorry, I guess I should have said that listening to music - in general, on your bluetooth headset is poor in quality. You are correct in that BlueTunes has nothing to do with the quality of the sound produced. :)

07-24-2005, 02:16 AM
I just wanted to be sure there was no AudioPlayer named the same thing. You had me wondering.

08-26-2005, 07:06 PM
I wanted to listen to local Philadelphia stations and gave a few of their websites a try. Many offer online listening but normally thru a pop-up player. But they still are using a browser version of WMP.

So I went into my Temporary Internet files and found the ASX files they use. Copied them to my favorites on my phone and now I can listen to local stations!!!! NICE!

I'm trying to do this as well encece, but I need a little help. The station i want to listen to is located at www.streamaudio.com. they use a pop up version of WMP as well. From what you said I go to my temporary internet files (my cookies right?) and copy the ASX files? What identifies them as ASX files? Sorry, I'm a complete noob. Thank you in advance for you help!

08-26-2005, 07:35 PM
No not the cookies....it will put an ASX or WMA file in your temporary internet files folder. This is usually located under C:/DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS/USERNAME or COMPUTERNAME)/LOCAL SETTINGS/TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES. Assuming you have Windows XP.

It's easier to find if you clean this folder out first. Then go to the webpage.
Good Luck.

08-26-2005, 08:27 PM
Thanks for the quick reply. i am running xp but I don't have a local settings folder under my user folder. i have cookies, desktop, favorites, my documents, start menu, user data and windows.

08-26-2005, 09:04 PM
look under windows. I forget how XP home is setup.

Mike Temporale
08-26-2005, 10:07 PM
Local settings is a hidden folder. Click Tools / Folder Options / View and turn on Show hidden and system files. Once you're done, I would suggest turning this back to hidden. The folder is where encece originaly stated. ;)

08-29-2005, 09:10 PM
Still can't find it guys. I'm using Firefox now. I clear the cookies then go to the stream, then I go options and view cookies. It's no where to be found. If anyone wants to try themselves I would appreciate it very much. It's the foxnews.com(I'm no political guy I just like this news channel, lol) "latest headlines" stream on the right hand side. Thanks so much for the previous help guys!

Mike Temporale
08-30-2005, 03:55 AM
It looks like that page is using Flash. I didn't realize Flash could be used to stream video. Unless I'm missing something. :?

Here's the URL I used:


08-30-2005, 02:58 PM
Thanks Mike. That's one big URL. I entered into WMP and got the error "the source filter for this file could not be loaded" Hmmm

I very well could have copied it wrong, it was a very long URL. Is there a folder where I can copy it strait into and WMP read it? Thaks again for giving it a try Mike!

Mike Temporale
08-30-2005, 03:13 PM
I don't think it will work. The player is using Flash to stream the content, not Windows Media Player. I think you're out of luck with this feed.

Santa Fe
08-30-2005, 04:57 PM
Cool idea.

08-30-2005, 08:18 PM
I think you're out of luck with this feed.

It's looking that way Mike. Do you or does anyone know of a good world/national news stream that will work?