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View Full Version : How do you enter a return (carriage return)?

07-11-2005, 08:40 PM
I am on my second smartphone (SMT5600) and I have never figured out how to write multiple paragraphs when doing email (or anything else for that matter).

What obvious feature am I missing?

07-11-2005, 10:13 PM
Press the navigation pad / action button.

It took me a while to find this answer when I got my first MS smartphone (5600) -- which, BTW, I LOVE!

07-12-2005, 02:56 AM
Gee, that was simple.


P.S. Be glad you didn't have to cope with the Motorola MPx220. What seemed like a good idea in principle is a terribly flawed product.

09-22-2005, 06:51 AM
Thanks for the tip! I'm coming from an MPx220, then a Treo 650 and now an SMT5600...it was simple performing typing tasks on the Treo, but difficult with the non-keyboard phones. Some of the simple characters, etc. are sort of "hidden" from a casual user, and I haven't gotten myself used to it quite yet.

I'll have to chime in on the MPx220 as well. It was a GREAT idea and had such a wonderful form factor and all that, but it just wasn't implemented quite right. One huge flaw I noticed was that you couldn't initiate a voice call simply from your BT headset...you had to open the phone, dial manually and THEN you could use your headset. The Moto V551 I also own will let you do it all via your BT headset. I just think it is safer in a vehicle to be able to do it truly "hands-free"

...my 2¢


04-19-2006, 09:21 AM
hehehe... this post would have been so helpful last year... this trick really helps when your editing reg keys and stuff...