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View Full Version : Messaging

06-30-2005, 07:02 AM
One day into my SMT5600, very happy but I do not get the message set-up. First, I've tried account set-up for Outlook but you are not given the opportunity to edit - only new. I've set-up a new account under Personal - all is good. Here is the thing, I can only check messages under Personal. Once I've checked them they disappear up into Outlook. Only thing that stays in Personal are Sent. Why is it this way? Why do you need to go back in forth from Personal to Outlook? Is there no way to tell Samrtphone to DELETE FROM THE SMARTPHONE BUT NOT THE DESKTOP? I found myself looking today for third party software that might be more robust and handle email better. Am I missing something here?

BTW-Anyone have any thoughts on Papyrus?