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View Full Version : Got it, Love it and gonna Keep it! But one small question

06-28-2005, 05:15 PM
Hi Guys,
I got the SMT 5600 and love it so far. Thx for all the tips and help.

One minor question. In my contacts I have some unused categories. I would like to delete that. How do I do that? Is irritating as my Filter drop down just simply scrolls!

Also when I delete contacts in Outlook the phone does not have them deleted. Is there any setting some place to force it to do that?


06-28-2005, 06:22 PM
Have you tried active synch settings?
Open active synch on desktop (without hooking phone), click on options, contacts and select/deselect what ever you want/don't want. You can set settings for your tasks and whatever other programs you synchronize this way. Hook up the phone and synchronize. If you are just trying to filter out contacts in a certain category, try contcts>Menu>filter on your phone.Hope this helps.