Mike Temporale
06-28-2005, 05:45 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://corp.handango.com/PressRelease.jsp?siteId=1&jid=F7AE3AX9AXD3D1X7C9C8X18F128F4336&CKey=1_PRESSRELEASE_PR062705a&option=pressroom' target='_blank'>http://corp.handango.com/PressRelease.jsp?siteId=1&jid=F7AE3AX9AXD3D1X7C9C8X18F128F4336&CKey=1_PRESSRELEASE_PR062705a&option=pressroom</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Third-party software is a powerful influencer in the decision to purchase a smartphone or handheld, according to a recent Handango survey of mobile content users and their behavior. The in-depth results from more than 14,000 buyers of mobile downloads revealed that the selection and quality of third-party software had a "strong influence" or "somewhat of an influence" on 69% of the users' decisions to purchase their mobile devices. The availability of third-party software was also ranked as the third most important influencer in a device buying decision behind only "need in my personal life" and "need in my line of work"."</i><br /><br />Handango has just released the results of their in-depth customer study, and I think the results are pretty much what I would have expected to see. It appears that we have moved away from a single application becoming the "killer app" for a platform. In our forums, we see a lot of people asking the age old question: <i>"What software should I buy?"</i> All the replies usually have the same type of response. With devices being so powerful, and offering so many different functions, it really depends on how you plan to use the device and therefore, there is no single app that people should purchase with their new Smartphone. Combine this knowledge with Microsoft's ability to leverage third party developers and we have a great platform that's not going away anytime soon. :D