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View Full Version : WebCasts for Device Developers

Jerry Raia
06-21-2005, 01:00 AM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://blogs.msdn.com/vsdteam/archive/2005/06/16/429894.aspx' target='_blank'>http://blogs.msdn.com/vsdteam/archive/2005/06/16/429894.aspx</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Just found out that there were be couple of webcasts that we will be doing in July about Windows Mobile 5.0 and VS 2005 development. I will update this with more details but some of them of interest are given below. The final dates times are being scheduled but on 6th July we have the Creating Customer Controls for Managed Code WebCast. This has been a popular ask from many people who want to learn how VS 2003 and 2005 are different in this regards."</i><br /><br />For all you developers and upcoming developers more details about VS 2005 are coming out and this is probably a good way to pick up some of the details.

06-21-2005, 04:48 PM
A lot of these sessions are favourites from the MEDC 2005 conference. Xin's talk on custom controls was one of the top three presentations by a new presenter at MEDC, and I highly recommend watching it. It's so easy to build custom controls now!

I'm giving my "Exploring the Dirty Details of Building a Database Driven Application using VB and SQL Mobile" on the 29th (next week). Hope to y'all there :)

For more information on scheduled sessions look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/events/webcasts/default.aspx
