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View Full Version : displaying birthdays in calendar

06-17-2005, 09:12 PM
I recently purchased an Audiovox SMT5600 and have been loving it. My only problem so far has been that I can't seem to get birthdays to show up in the calendar after entering them into a contact. They sync properly with my desktop and display in my Outlook calendar, but they won't show up in my phone's calendar. Is this simply not a built-in function for WM2003? If so, are there any simple (and cheap) calendar plug-ins that would enable this functionality? (I don't anticipate using the calendar for much of anything, so I'd prefer to steer clear of the very powerful calendar apps that would just add unneeded complexity to my phone.)

I apologize if this has been discussed previously, but I didn't see any information about it in past threads. thanks in advance.

Damion Chaplin
06-17-2005, 09:36 PM
I don't know the answer for sure, but I do recall that I had the same issue with my pocket pc. It was solved by programming in the reminder for the birthday, which more-or-less turns it into an all-day appointment. Then my PPC would remind me of people's birthdays. It probably works similarly with the 5600. The next birthday in my calendar is on 7/9, so I haven't had a chance to see if it works or not...

My gripe is that it won't remind you of the birthday (or anniversary) until the day of the event. I'd like to know a day in advance...

Mike Temporale
06-18-2005, 03:59 AM
Well, I use Papyrus, which I find handles birthdays a little better. You still aren't alerted to the birthday until the day of, but it shows you the person and their age, unlike the default calendar.

All of my birthday info is entered on the person's contact card in Outlook (on the details tab). Works fine for me. :)