Mike Temporale
06-07-2005, 08:30 PM
More details have come out on yesterday's announcement from Microsoft about messaging and security enhancements for Windows Mobile 5.0. Some of the key features will be: Windows Mobile Direct Push Technology , Wireless support for contact information, Remotely enforce IT policy, Remote device wipe, and Certificate authentication. This is directly aimed at RIM, Good, and all the others offering push email solutions. Companies will be able to leverage their existing Exchange implementation without the added cost of licensing or another server and staff to support it. <img src="http://www.smartphonethoughts.com/images/Temporale-20050607-ExchangePush.gif" alt="User submitted image" title="User submitted image"/> You can read more information from the <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2005/jun05/06-06SFPWindowsMobilePR.mspx">press release.</a> Also, Nino Benvenuti has posted links to an Exchange SP2 sneak peak document and FAQ on his blog <a href="http://nino.net/blog/archive/2005/06/06/686.aspx">here.</a> :)