05-27-2005, 07:13 AM
Hey all,
I have a C500 and I've just been notified by the people I'm buying a 1gb mini-sd card off of that there is a 'world wide' shortage. So I'm going to have to wait 1-2 weeks for delivery... :cry: anyone else heard anything about this? It seems many online shops in the UK have it advertised.... (expansys have recently taken the 1gb advert off their site).
I have a C500 and I've just been notified by the people I'm buying a 1gb mini-sd card off of that there is a 'world wide' shortage. So I'm going to have to wait 1-2 weeks for delivery... :cry: anyone else heard anything about this? It seems many online shops in the UK have it advertised.... (expansys have recently taken the 1gb advert off their site).