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View Full Version : Orange Responds to the Windows Mobile 5 Upgrade Question

Jason Dunn
05-12-2005, 08:45 PM
Now that Windows Mobile 5 is out, all of us with Smartphones are asking the same question: will there be an upgrade for my device? This is what Orange had to say when I asked them about upgrades:<i>"Orange is looking forward to launching the new Windows Mobile platform across a range of attractive devices in 2005. The key benefits to customers and to Orange will be an enhanced phone experience, increased customisation possibilities, as well as improved overall performance."</i> - Florian Seiche, Director of Devices, Orange GroupYou'll notice they mention nothing about upgrades, only new devices, so this leads me to believe that there will be no Windows Mobile 5 upgrades released for the C500. :( This is a shame, because it's a wonderful phone (except for the horribe dust issue), but since we're still waiting for an English ROM update with Windows Media Player 10 Mobile, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised that C500 owners are being left out in the cold.

Jerry Raia
05-12-2005, 08:55 PM
What are they politicians?? Why can't they just give a straight answer??

05-12-2005, 09:28 PM
Now that MS is picking up market share with Windows Mobile, they should really use that leverage to require manufactures to release one upgrade per device/model.

With product life cycles of, from what I can see, 18 months to 2 years one OS upgrade would be sufficient and baring new hardware requirnments shouldn't cost a vendor all that much.

05-12-2005, 11:05 PM
Has anyone queried Audiovox about a future upgrade for the SMT5600 or maybe even asked them about the C550 coming to the states?

Mike Temporale
05-13-2005, 01:09 AM
Has anyone queried Audiovox about a future upgrade for the SMT5600 or maybe even asked them about the C550 coming to the states?

Yes, and so far we have not received an answer. :(

05-13-2005, 01:41 AM
Has anyone queried Audiovox about a future upgrade for the SMT5600 or maybe even asked them about the C550 coming to the states?

Yes, and so far we have not received an answer. :(

Here's the answer. Hell Naw!!! How can we get you to buy more devices if we upgrade the ones you have?