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View Full Version : i600 wakes up in a new world

Santa Fe
04-16-2005, 04:19 PM
For some reason that I don't understand my i600 did a hard reset all by its self yesterday. As a result I've been busy wasting time by restoring programs and settings. I find it interesting to see how I'm prioritizing what software goes back first (or at all).
1. E-wallet
2. Smartphone Notes
3. Fitz Traveller
4. Connected bits weather
4. Papyrus calendar
That may be enough. Smartphone "lite".

Then maybe or maybe not:
1. Mapopolis - maps on the phone are difficult
2. Repligo - useful information source but Smartphone Notes is better for quick reference and I was always forgetting where I'd put my info.
3. Smartycalc - only full featured calculator but I have to hurt my brain every time I use it.
4. Power Calendar/Power Tasks - Papyrus is better.
5. Columbia Encyclopedia - Hardly used it after the first week although I won a beer with it.
1. CV document - Repligo suited me better but I really rarely look at long documents anyway so Notes is better.
2. A bunch of stuff I'd forgotten was on the phone.

This sure reminds me how much I dislike entering data via the keyboard. Passwords and registration codes are a pain since T9 doesn't help. I sure hope the phone doesn’t make a habit of this.

Mike Temporale
04-16-2005, 05:07 PM
8O Eek! That sucks. Was the battery too low? or prehaps it was dropped? Not that either of those things should cause a reset. :?

1. E-wallet
2. Smartphone Notes
3. Fitz Traveller
4. Connected bits weather
4. Papyrus calendar

Excellent list of apps. I haven't used a couple of them, but I've only ever heard good things about them.

I hate entering registration info on the phone. Most applications use a combination of letters and numbers whiich is a real pain to try and enter. It would be nice to see developers spend a little more time making it easier to handle the registration of your programs.

04-16-2005, 07:30 PM
Before upgrading my i600 to 2003 I had a couple of semi-hard resets. I couldn't figure out what caused them so just chaulked them up to a flakey and random problem with the OS and hardwre combo.

With 2003 I've had no problems, though it's by no means as stable as I'd like.

Santa Fe
04-16-2005, 08:18 PM
I cannot think of anything that really caused this hard reset. Maybe some hard riding, but...?

I cannot seem to get the RJtime homepage to come back. Anyone using this remember how?

Kris Kumar
04-16-2005, 10:06 PM
This sure reminds me how much I dislike entering data via the keyboard. Passwords and registration codes are a pain since T9 doesn't help.

It sure is a pain. :-(

Wish the installers would capture that information on the PC and pass it on to the CAB file.

One of the most useful, must have apps, Sprite Backup. I have had my share of resets or phone not booting up. Sprite Backup has saved me many hours.

Though the pain in re-installing the apps will pay off; you will have a better/cleaner/healthier Smartphone. ;-)

Jerry Raia
04-17-2005, 08:54 AM
I cannot seem to get the RJtime homepage to come back. Anyone using this remember how?

Are you installing it with just the .cab file? You'll need the entire .zip file that has the home page file in it.

Santa Fe
04-19-2005, 01:41 AM
Thanks Jerry. That worked.

Jerry Raia
04-19-2005, 01:59 AM
That is a great plugin as are all of his plugins.