03-11-2005, 10:35 AM
A few days ago I bought my first Symbian smartphone, series 60 (in fact, my first Symbian phone ever). It synchronizes with Outlook perfectly, and the contacts have all the fields, including notes, that Outlook has. So in that sense it should be able to replace a pda. As a long time user of pdas, both palm and ppc, I've accumulated about 300 contacts over the years, complete with notes and all.
But the other day when I wanted to do a search in my contacts for a certain word, I discovered there is no way of searching all the fields in a contact: it only searches the first and the last name. In other words, there's no way of locating an entry based on something written in a note or any other field. This, in effect, renders the phone useless to me as a pda.
I've asked in several Symbian forums if I'm missing something or if this is really the case, and if so, if there is any third party app that does this. I haven't received one single reply, not even from someone saying he/she also misses that feature (I guess I'm the only Symbian user with this need...).
So before I set out to sell my 6630 and buy myself my first MS smartphone, could someone PLEASE confirm that performing this kind of search is possible on MS phones, "as-is" or using a third part app?
Or am I asking for too much from current generation smartphones, whether it be MS or Symbian?
A few days ago I bought my first Symbian smartphone, series 60 (in fact, my first Symbian phone ever). It synchronizes with Outlook perfectly, and the contacts have all the fields, including notes, that Outlook has. So in that sense it should be able to replace a pda. As a long time user of pdas, both palm and ppc, I've accumulated about 300 contacts over the years, complete with notes and all.
But the other day when I wanted to do a search in my contacts for a certain word, I discovered there is no way of searching all the fields in a contact: it only searches the first and the last name. In other words, there's no way of locating an entry based on something written in a note or any other field. This, in effect, renders the phone useless to me as a pda.
I've asked in several Symbian forums if I'm missing something or if this is really the case, and if so, if there is any third party app that does this. I haven't received one single reply, not even from someone saying he/she also misses that feature (I guess I'm the only Symbian user with this need...).
So before I set out to sell my 6630 and buy myself my first MS smartphone, could someone PLEASE confirm that performing this kind of search is possible on MS phones, "as-is" or using a third part app?
Or am I asking for too much from current generation smartphones, whether it be MS or Symbian?