03-03-2005, 03:56 PM
I had read somewhere (on here I think) that Vaja was going to be making a case for the 220. I couldn't wait much longer so I emailed the cust service center this morning. Nora told me that they have nothing to fit the 220 and there are no plans in the works to make a case for that model. I am so bummed!! I want an apple green leather case with NO belt clip for my 220 so bad!! Are there any other higher end case companies that might make one? I have the cachet right now and although is does protect, it is ugly and makes the phone so thick. Really want the NYC Peach rhinestones but can't pay $400! Please advise if you have any other case options. You would think that we would have more choices out there by now.
Happy day everyone.. :lol:
Happy day everyone.. :lol: