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View Full Version : Help Shape The Future - Share Your Thoughts On A New Application

Mike Temporale
02-18-2005, 05:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.omnisoft.com/suggestion.htm' target='_blank'>http://www.omnisoft.com/suggestion.htm</a><br /><br /></div>Have you ever wanted to help shape an application into something powerful and easy to use? Have you ever wished the developer would be more open to suggestions and features? Now you have a chance. John Cody is working on a new Reminder/Alarm/Timer type application with rapid creation of the alarms and ease-of-use as primary features for the program. Best of all, he wants your help to make it easy and powerful. I know you're asking "What's in it for me?" and I'll tell you; a free copy of the final version. If you're the first person to suggest something, or if you provide helpful feedback during beta testing, you will receive a free copy of the final version. Sounds like a pretty deal to me! Head on over and check it out. 8)

02-18-2005, 08:25 PM
He is a little late to the table on this one. And If he really wanted a piece of open development the comments given would be open for public viewing instead privately to his company, like in this forum.

There was an interactive design for CityTime Alarms (Already an easy to use Reminder/Alarm program) that over 50 people participated in for over a month in a forum at MoDaCo. The result was far better than anything I could have doing in a vacuum and at the end of the first release I gave away over 40 copies of the program.

Feel free to post your ideas here for all to see!

Code City Limited

And if you are interested:

02-19-2005, 03:00 AM
i think it woood B great if the alarm could be attached to contacts(as nokia does)&amp; B able 2 put pix on the alarms as well!! Having diff. alarms &amp; timers that could be stored wood B great as well, as 4 my last outrageous demand!! having a timer or alarm that vibrates wood top it off(i just got one that does not vibrate @ all!!!!) Tanx 4 the opp. 2 give sugg. I don't care if U R the 1st 1-2- do this or not!!!!

John Cody
03-13-2005, 05:24 PM
Hey everyone,

Thanks for all the great suggestions!

The first beta is in the works and I will send out an email to everyone (who submitted suggestions) when it is ready for testing.

I will also be creating a new forum so all you beta testers can exchange comments and report bugs.

John Cody
04-06-2005, 07:47 PM
I just started the public beta for my newest smartphone application:

John Cody's Alerts!

Info Webpage: http://www.omnisoft.com/alerts/

Beta Forum: http://www.omnisoft.com/forums/forum_topics.asp?FID=17
(free registration required)

REWARD: The members who are the most active in submitting bugs, sugestions and comments will receive a FREE copy of the finished app!

John Cody
05-18-2005, 12:40 PM
I am proud to announce that John Cody's Alerts! is now the most powerful Alarm/Reminder/Timer manager for your Windows Mobile(tm) Smartphone!

You can purchase your copy or download a trial at:


The normal Retail price is $14.95, but if you purchase from the omnisoft.com website directly, you can get a copy for just *** $12.95 ***

Beta Testers: For all the most active testers, keep an eye out in your omnisoft forum private messenger inbox for your FREE regcode to fully unlock your copy of Alerts! (If you were an active tester and feel you earned a free regcode, but did not receive one with 24 hours, please contact me)

Thanks to everyone for your help in making Alerts! such a great app :)

-John Cody

John Cody
06-13-2005, 08:45 PM
All existing CityTime Alarm or Chronos users can "upgrade" to Alerts! for only $5.95!

More info on this compeditive upgrade offer:
