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View Full Version : Question for SP3i owners

02-11-2005, 11:28 PM
Has anyone had to re-install the imate SP3i instllation file because of a hard reset? What the heck is in this installation file? I would like to try and move some of the games that came pre-installed in the phones memory such as Aqua Block, Blocks plus, etc. over to my mini-sd card. Does this file contain those games? Anyone try this with any success?

Kris Kumar
02-12-2005, 04:44 AM
Are you talking about the "Software Pack", the installer that installs the games?

I have SP3i and it did not come with the games. So I had to download the software pack from the Clubimate.com and install it.

The installer does prompt you for the install location - on the phone or memory card. However some of the games do get correctly installed on the memory card. But some of them get installed to the phone. :-( I would say fifty-fifty.

Kris Kumar
02-12-2005, 04:48 AM
After you login into the Clubimate.com site...
Visit this URL (http://www.clubimate.com/index.asp?PageAction=DEVICE_SP3i_UPD2) for the game pack.